Newsweek had an article today wondering if girl’s Halloween costumes might be too risque. I wasn’t surprised (I remember being shocked when I saw young girls dressed up as Spice Girls in 1998) so I decided to look around the Internet to find other questionable costumes. Not surprisingly, Halloween costumes are markers of not only gender and heterosexuality, but of race and class as well.
Let’s take children’s “occupational” costumes, for example. Here are some for girls: The French maid, nurse, and cheerleader costumes were the most prevalent.

And what about occupations for boys?

And look at how race is marked with some of the children’s costume models (2 cats, and a dancer):

And note how the intersections of race, militarization, sexuality and gender are also displayed in this costume. The first is a children’s costume, and the second is for teenagers. Both costumes are called “Major Flirt.”

And now let’s move on to teenage costumes. Here are some particularly popular ones for teen girls– sexy devils and sexy angels.

And some teen girl “occupation” costumes (prisoner, referee, navy):

And of course there are teen bunnies– “Hunny Bunny Teen” and “Classic Playboy Bunny”:

And what do teen boys get to dress up as? Scary clowns, murdering maniacs, and pimps.

The costumes for couples are also pretty telling– marked by heteronormative stereotypes. The first is a “Pimp and Kristy” costume, the second is a cop costume, and finally a costume of a brick layer and a woman dressed as a home, where the woman is literally displayed as the object, as the object of a man’s action.

Anyway, happy Halloween!
Comments 32
Anonymous — October 30, 2007
You gotta love where her "open door" is.
Gwen — October 31, 2007
I cannot believe parents let little girls and even teens wear these outfits. If I have children, they will all wear homemade costumes that are not AT ALL "sexy."
Sociological Images » HAPPY HALLOWEEN! — October 31, 2008
[...] here for a nice gender and race analysis of a range of Halloween costumes for adults and kids by our [...]
Sociological Images » Africa Is Wild, And You Can Be Too — July 5, 2009
[...] before about the tendency to associate black people, especially black women, with animals (see here, here, here, and here), as well as the historical roots of this discourse. But, in this case, the [...]
V for Vegan: easyVegan.info » Blog Archive » Intersectionality ‘Round the Interwebs, No. 4 — July 8, 2009
[...] before about the tendency to associate black people, especially black women, with animals (see here, here, here, and here), as well as the historical roots of this discourse. But, in this case, the [...]
Anonymous — August 22, 2009
Why are all teen Halloween costumes slutty?
karinova — August 25, 2009
Consider that Halloween is in late October.
In most of the US, it is cold.
Possibly even snowing.
Now look at what the woman and girls are supposed to be wearing vs. what the men and boys wear. What the?! The women's costumes are just gratuitously brief. There's no other way to put it. It's especially noticeable with the his-n-hers police costume— anyone who's ever seen police officers knows this makes no sense. And yet, there it is.
Another Photoshoot Places A Black Woman Among Animals » Sociological Images — September 30, 2009
[...] our other posts in which black women and girls are associated with exotic animals here, here, and here. 17 Comments Tags: animals/nature, clothes/fashion, gender, race/ethnicity, [...]
Lisa — October 3, 2009
At my old elementary school they made it so that on halloween day instead of wearing a halloween costume they turned it into pj day. This way they were forced to wear appropiate pj's instead of there choice of a slutty costume.
Anonymous — October 13, 2009
wow. i thinks some of them are alittle out there, but you have to face it TIMES HAVE CHANGED!!!! seriously lady. kids are just growing up faster these days.
DA PIMP! — October 13, 2009
Anonymous — October 17, 2009
some people are pogs
Anonymous — October 17, 2009
some people are pigs
anonymous — October 22, 2009
all right halloween isnt supposed to be all showy!! its supposed to be funnnn
Halloween, Another Chance to Trivialize Women in Masculine Occupations » Sociological Images — October 28, 2009
[...] effigy, handling sex offenders on trick-o’-treat day, and costume catalog analyses (here and here). Leave a Comment Tags: gender, holidays, sex, sex work, work Race, Response, and [...]
WanderingOak — October 28, 2009
I've seen recent modifications on the 'house' costume, with a "Foreclosed" sign worn around the neck. Now, that truly is frightening...
All Hallows’ Eve « Digital Marginalia — October 30, 2009
[...] http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2007/10/30/halloween-costumes/ [...]
“Beer Man” And “Beer Girl” » Sociological Images — November 25, 2009
[...] effigy, handling sex offenders on trick-o’-treat day, and costume catalog analyses (here and here). 17 Comments Tags: discourse/language, gender, gender: femininity, gender: masculinity, [...]
Miley cyrus 9 year old sister starts Lingerie line for Kids??? - XDTalk Forums - Your XD/XD(m) Information Source! — February 3, 2010
[...] Same Subject. But what happened to Halloween in the past 10 years? I tried finding something nice for my 4 year old daughter and all you can find these days are outfits that are completely inappropriate for youngsters. Halloween costumes Sociological Images [...]
anonomyous — August 18, 2010
WOW! they even made it possible for me to make my 10 year old niece dress up as a prostitute this year!! Yeah that was our idea the whooooole time!! -thanks
Sarah — October 22, 2010
I suppose I am somewhat of a hypocrite in that my costume isn't the most conservative.. but I'm not 10! I don't want to look at kids trick-or-treating and feel like a creep because their costume shows way too much. If I had a kid they certainly wouldn't wear any of these revealing outfits. [Not to say, however, that I would make them cover up a lot.. I just would make sure it isn't slutty]
Tara — October 30, 2010
why is a 10 year old a playboy bunny?...That's just weird.
Fantasia sexy | #eu — March 8, 2011
[...] Sociological Images já falou sobre as fantasias sexies no halloween. Pelo jeito, o fenômeno é [...]
Gigi — April 8, 2011
Ahh yes. I dressed up like Posh Spice in 96. I just found an old photo ... i looked like a child hooker. Complete with skin tight leopard top and mini skirt. That i forced my mother to buy me at Bebe .. so i could be a "big girl". Odly not the only time I dressed like a skank. when i was 11 I went as a disco girl and my mom went as a groove 70's guy complete with fake beard.. I found those photos too and we looked like a pimp and his whore. Of course I completely redeemed my self when i went as Martha Stewart 2 years later.
Emilycook8 — October 9, 2011
why does everyone look slutty??? :l
Heteronormativity & My Son, The Equal Opportunity Flirt. | Western Illinois University's Center for the Study of Masculinities and Men's Development — September 18, 2013
[...] run rampant as well. From depictions of families that show a male (dad) and female (mom), to Halloween costumes, Valentine’s Day gifts, tosupporting soldiers, images show only opposite sex couples [...]
Halloween Costume Advertisement Ridicules Girls’ Ambitions | CT NOW — October 24, 2013
[…] Halloween costumes. The light-hearted mock the absurdity of making everything sexy, and the more serious opine on the damaging gender expectations being forced down women’s throats in every costume shop […]
:) — October 31, 2014
Kanye — November 3, 2021
Halloween is the only day you're not in a costume.
Isabell Aladera — January 28, 2025
Halloween costumes are fun, but for many students, university life can feel like the real costume challenge—juggling assignments, deadlines, and stress! If you're struggling with academic work, don’t let the pressure haunt you. melbourne assignment help is here to provide expert assistance and ensure your grades don’t get tricked this semester!