Flashback Friday.
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment is one of the most famous examples of unethical research. The study, funded by the federal government from 1932-1972, looked at the effects of untreated syphilis. In order to do this, a number of Black men in Alabama who had syphilis were misinformed about their illness. They were told they had “bad blood” (which was sometimes a euphemism for syphilis, though not always) and that the government was offering special free treatments for the condition. Here is an example of a letter sent out to the men to recruit them for more examinations:
The “special free treatment” was, in fact, nothing of the sort. The researchers conducted various examinations, including spinal taps, not to treat syphilis but just to see what its effects were. In fact, by the 1950s it was well established that a shot of penicillin would fully cure early-stage syphilis. Not only were the men not offered this life-saving treatment, the researchers conspired to be sure they didn’t find out about it, getting local doctors to agree that if any of the study subjects came in they wouldn’t tell them they had syphilis or that a cure was available.
The abusive nature of this study is obvious (letting men die slow deaths that could have been easily prevented, just for the sake of scientific curiosity) and shows the ways that racism can influence researchers’ evaluations of what is acceptable risk and whose lives matter. The Tuskegee experiment was a major cause for the emergence of human subjects protection requirements and oversight of federally-funded research once the study was exposed in the early 1970s. Some scholars argue that knowledge of the Tuskegee study increased African Americans’ distrust of the medical community, a suspicion that lingers to this day.
In 1997 President Clinton officially apologized for the experiment.
Originally posted in 2009.
Gwen Sharp is an associate professor of sociology at Nevada State College. You can follow her on Twitter at @gwensharpnv.
Comments 46
Lucy Bartlett — February 16, 2009
According to the latest annual report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the ancient sexually transmitted disease is looming as a serious new threat to the health especially of gay and bisexual men. For more information visit here Syphilis: From Near Zero to a Big Threat
流着泪的你的脸..im so sad » Blog Archive » Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, Revised Edition by — February 17, 2009
[...] 1932-1972, looked at the effects of untreated syphilis. In order to do this, a number of Black Read More|||The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. The United States government did something that was [...]
tuskegee syphilis study | 1/8 Medical Apartheid - Dark History Of - ⊙﹏⊙b汗…30w ip耶.wow..wow… — February 21, 2009
[...] 1932-1972, looked at the effects of untreated syphilis. In order to do this, a number of Black Read More|||Roddy Rock: The DJ Savior In the late 80s, Roderick Anthony was paying his way through college by [...]
Sherrie — June 5, 2009
Wrong! A human is a human, no matter the color of their skin!!!
Sherrie — June 5, 2009
Eugenics at it's finest. Sick!!!
James — August 28, 2009
Simple question... why is no one suspect of the government wanting to offer the nation free healthcare when the same government did this to poor black men, and their families?
Qasimah P. Boston — May 5, 2010
We have a responsibility as human beings to be aware of studies going on in our communities and to ask the questions that will give us answers and to challenge what we don't understand or agree with.
reita collins — February 4, 2011
I find it strange,peculiar and extremely suspect that in all this time NO ONE has named or knows a single woman that died in Tuskegee from this disease at that time from any of those men.I find it very suspect that these men in that small town in that moral time were that promiscuous and no one woman was found to have given this SEXUALLY transmitted disease to them .I also find it odd that nurse Mary Starke Harper,an intern at that time,who wrote a letter of apology for her part in injecting these men with what she thought was the virus, is never mentioned in any articles pertaining to this study.I guess to the govt. it is one thing to say they were not treated...it's another thing to state that you injected them.After all, what good is a study without subjects? My grandfather died in this study.My grandmother was a health and wonderful woman who lived a full life.I wonder how many women,after their husbands deaths,believed that the loving hardworking husband that she loved,was unfaithful? I don't.
Jay Stemple — February 4, 2011
at the risk of sounding racist, why do you suppose so many blacks today trust the government emphatically, and reply on them for many of their needs (not the majority of blacks you understand, but by in large, they all vote for the party that promises them the most hand outs).
When will people wake up and realize the government has over stepped its role and they are not to be trusted by in large?
TURPINBOY — October 7, 2011
Anonymous — January 7, 2012
Correction, these Black Men did not have Syphilis to began with, THEY WERE INJECTED WITH THIS BY THE GOD DAMN BEAST!!!!!
Bill R — August 22, 2014
Let's all keep in mind that "the government" are people, citizens and in this case medical professionals. They're not alien invaders. They're our neighbors; our brothers. They're us.
At the same time these studies were being conducted citizens in another country were mass murdering Jews, and a hundred years before in America citizens were perpetuating slavery and arranging for the genocide of Indians.
Look at Putin today, look at the Middle East.
There's a common denominator here What these people do is look themselves in the mirror and say "it's just my job."
Larry Charles Wilson — August 22, 2014
There are many levels and institutions of "government." It is silly to paint with a broad brush. Let's try to be specific in our finger-pointing.
K.C. Vick — August 23, 2014
The Poynter Center is at Indiana University, not the University of Illinois.
Guatemalan syphilis experiment: In the name of public health? | Outbreak News Today — August 23, 2014
[…] Cutler, the government physician, would also take part in the equally abhorrent US government sponsored Tuskegee Syphilis Study. […]
Sayin — December 29, 2014
Here's the page about it on the Tuskegee University webpage. I didn't realize that the university was still in existence.
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Ehsaas Program 8171 — March 6, 2024
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