SocImages News:
- This month we had the fun of being quoted in news articles on getting girls to embrace science (Voice of America), Sweden’s gender-neutral toy catalog (Wall Street Journal), hook up culture (yes, again) (Brown Daily Herald), and dollhouses (Daily Mail). The latter involved us getting the word “heteronomativity” into the second sentence of a Daily Mail article!
- The Daily Mail coverage was prompted by our counterintuitive post suggesting that the toy in question can be a feminist gift, which also appeared at Jezebel.
- BoingBoing featured Gwen’s post about different and unequal boy and girl toy laptops.
- Finally, we got a few nice link-tos. One from The Atlantic in a piece about why people don’t vote, another from AdWeek about gendered toys, and a third from The Guardian in an article about Gwen Stefani wearing stereotypical “Indian” garb.
Upcoming Lectures and Appearances:
I’ll be visiting Akron in April and I’d love to schedule a meet up!
- University of Akron (Apr. 19): “Anatomy of an Outrage: Female Genital Cutting and the Politics of Acculturation”
I’ll also be giving my hook up culture talk at the college where I collected my data. So, if you’re in the L.A. area, feel free to drop in for the lecture:
- Occidental College (Jan. 31): “‘The Night Overall Wasn’t Bad’: Occidental Students on Hooking Up”
Newest Pinterest Page:
Gwen put together a new Pinterest page with products that have been feminized to make them acceptable for women, Feminizing the Masculine in Marketing. Here’s a screenshot:
In other Pinterest news, @sayitaintsho tweeted this in response to us pinning the images from our post about make-up toys for infants. We aim to please, Shohini!
Social Media ‘n’ Stuff:
Finally, this is your monthly reminder that SocImages is on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Pinterest. I’m on Facebook and most of the team is on Twitter: @lisadwade, @gwensharpnv, @familyunequal, @carolineheldman, @jaylivingston, and @wendyphd.
In Other News…
On Nov. 11th of this month our Facebook page hit 20,000 fans. Then it went back down to 19,999, then it went back to 20,000, and we’ve continued growing ever since. Hello to all of our friends on Facebook!
Comments 3
Just Another Dude — November 30, 2012
You don't have a link to Sears' HUGE pink toolboxes? In the store they stack these up to be like five feet high.
Stephanie B — December 2, 2012
I am a resident of Akron! I would love to meet up!
James Jordan — August 29, 2023
I liked the Pinterest page on feminizing the masculine in marketing. It shows how gender stereotypes are used to sell products to different audiences. I also appreciated the links to the news articles that quoted SocImages.
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