Archive: May 2011

Sometimes you just have to laugh.  Sex is used to sell the most ridiculous things, like organ donation.  It’s like marketers think we’ve Pavlov’s dogs.  Show a sexy woman (’cause sexy women = sex) and, rumor has it, people will buy.

When Renée sent in this photograph of a storefront display aiming at selling ovens, I felt compelled to share its ridiculousness with you.  Begin snark:

Ovens are hot.  Get it.  They’re “hot.”  LOL.  Put her in lingerie, sit her ass on the oven door, add a fire-red wig, and surround her with thermometers.  Add the words, “HOT! HOT! HOT!”  Maybe if we really overdo it with the metaphor, no one will notice how stupid this is.


Lisa Wade, PhD is an Associate Professor at Tulane University. She is the author of American Hookup, a book about college sexual culture; a textbook about gender; and a forthcoming introductory text: Terrible Magnificent Sociology. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram.


Gwen and I are finishing up our semesters and looking back at a wonderful year with all of you!

Some highlights:

We were granted an innovation in teaching award from the Pacific Sociological Association and have been nominated for awards from the American Sociological Association and the Pop Culture / American Culture Association.  Plus David Mayeda was kind enough to review us for Teaching Sociology.

We started accepting proposals for guest posts.

We broke the 10,000 friend barrier on Facebook.  (And we think over 3,500 on Twitter is nothing to shake a stick at.)

We just barely almost didn’t quite reach 750,000 visits in one month.  But darn were we close!

We entered a partial syndication agreement with the historic Ms. magazine.

We broke a story that ended with Abercrombie Kids pulling their push-up bikini top for kids.  Read the original post and our summary.

We managed to fool a few of you on April Fool’s Day (scroll to bottom).

And we let you all in on the mystery that is Dmitriy T.M.

Sociologists, Gwen and I will be at ASA, SWS, and SSSP this August. So please say “hello” if you see us or look us up in the programs. We’ll be giving a talk or two.


Special thanks to Jon Smadja, Velanie Williams, Norma Morella for all their hard work on the blog.  We couldn’t do it without you.

And thanks for reading everyone!  We’re looking forward to a productive summer and another record-breaking year!