A new submission from Rucha S. inspires me to bring back our 4-year-old boob products post. Hers is added last, so enjoy the scroll!
Sent in by Jessica F. and found at Trend de la Creme. Boob hot water bottles:
Boob ice cubes:
A boob/rocket-shaped “stress toy”:
The boob glasses don’t even make sense:
Taylor S. sent us this picture of “boob stress relievers” sold at a flea market:
Pitseleh S. found these boob clogs at boinkology. You can also get these clogs with piercings or tattoos.
In comments to another post, Tim pointed us to this ad:
Many, many more after the jump.
These desserts, sent in by Breck C., are for sale in Japan:
You open the flaps on that image to see this next one–get it? It’s like a bra!
They provide several different girls, I guess to suit various tastes. The one on the left here is apparently for those who like their boobs square-ish. The one on the right is presumably for those who like prefer their women to be bored/irritated.
Laura L. sent this one:
I found these here thanks to a hint from Stumblng Tumblr.
Boob blindfolds:
I stole the next set from Shakesville. Believe it or not, there are even more there.
Shower dispenser:
Boob pillows:
Also boob pillows:
Boob lamp:
Boob beanbag:
Indeed, a boob bong:
Breck C. sent in this image:
Over at Jezebel, they offered this photo essay of a tit-shaped milk “carton”:
Dmitriy T.M. sent in a boob scarf for sale at etsy.com. Basiorana notes that:
The boob scarf is made by Heather Cushman-Dowdee, a lactation activist, as a way to bring awareness to the non-sexual nature of breasts. She wishes them to be used to distract people from mothers who are nursing in public, and to bring awareness to the ridiculousness of anti-breastfeeding laws. Unlike the rest of the items in [this] post, her scarves are explicitly NOT intended to be sexual, and her intended audience is fellow nursing activists who wish to desexualize breasts.
She has a couple comics explaining their intent on her website, mama-is.com
Finally, Rucha S. sent along these Boobzie’s, can cozies to keep your beer warm:
Comments 66
73man — May 8, 2008
Must...resist....politically incorrect...puns.
Village Idiot — May 8, 2008
I wonder if there are similar confections marketed to women; perhaps a pound cake shaped like a... hmm, maybe 73man is right.
?mark — May 8, 2008
I've looked at this site a couple times since it came over to Contexts and I don't get it. It is very, very strange. I guess the general idea is that we're all supposed to be "outraged?" OK, sure, but what makes that "sociological?" Am I missing something?
BTW, there are "erotic bakeries" in many U.S. cities, so tagging this as having something to do with "japan" is far from the mark. I suppose I could say something sociological about that, but I'm too outraged.
Gwen Sharp, PhD — May 8, 2008
The point isn't that you're supposed to be outraged, but rather than these images can be used to spark sociological discussion (we intended them for classes, but I suppose you can do it on the street corner if you want) about bigger themes--the images themselves are a starting point for discussions about anything from discrimination to patriotism to globalization or whatever else you might think of to do with them. I don't find the boob puddings "offensive," I find them funny but also a possible starting place for a discussion of things like our obsession with incorporating sex into the world around us in some ways but not others; they also fit into a series of posts we've had of women's bodies being turned into things you can buy/touch. Not that we don't do that with men's bodies too, obviously, but often in different ways.
I know there are erotic bakeries in the U.S. These products were on sale in Japan. We often tag things with the country they came from if they weren't from the U.S. If we get a picture of something from Spain, we'd tag it as "Spain." It doesn't mean we're saying that image says something about Spanish culture, but simply that that's where it originated from. My comment in the post about Japan was meant to connect to the anime-like features, not that somehow Japan is the only place on earth that has food shaped like sexual parts.
As for the sociological element--we just provide examples of images we think might be useful for illustrating some sociological ideas (the way black women's bodies are often animalized, for instance, or that social movement messages are often coopted and trivialized over time). But people are free to do whatever they want with the images. If the best someone can do is express "outrage," that's not particularly sociological or sophisticated, but I guess that's what some people will do with it.
Throbert McGee — May 8, 2008
There is a gourmet dessert called Fragomammella that was invented by an Italian chef and later popularized on the cooking show "Two Fat Ladies." You can easily find the complete recipe by Googling, but it's basically sweetened ricotta molded into a boob shape, topped with a strawberry nipple, and served (naturally) in pairs.
I don't speak Italian, but I would assume that the name literally translates to "small strawberry breast."
Sociological Images » WHAT WE’VE BEEN UP TO BEHIND YOUR BACK (JULY 2008) — August 2, 2008
[...] consolidated our products-shaped-like-boobs posts and added 17 (yes, 17) new boob-shaped products. Thanks to Stumblng Tumblr and [...]
Somebody Needs a Girlfriend « The Rambler — September 22, 2008
[...] Needs a Girlfriend I’m guessing if you spend a lot of money on these or these, you may not have ever seen the real [...]
Sociological Images » GOD’S IMAGE IS A FLAME-THROWING PENIS — September 27, 2008
[...] are objectified. In particular, the female body is often displayed as just a particular part–boobs, butt, or [...]
Sociological Images » “EVERY MOUTHFUL HELPS” — October 13, 2008
[...] don’t miss boobsboobsboobsboobsboobsboobsboobsboobsboobs. addthis_url = 'http%3A%2F%2Fthesocietypages.org%2Fsocimages%2F2008%2F10%2F13%2Fevery-mouthful-helps%2F'; [...]
Chloe — December 1, 2008
The sociological question of my day: why all the fuss in today's Western culture over boobs? Honestly, the FCC regulates every nipple flash with puritanical fury, but then lets us watch gory, creative murders every week on CSI. Which is more "natural", and what exactly are we being protected from?
The mother's milk thing is funny. I mean, we think of drinking human breastmilk as adults really disgusting, but it's not like it's natural to drink other animals' milk either.
And the boob clogs are weird. How do you wear them?
Sociological Images » What We’ve Been Up To Behind Your Back (May 2009) — June 2, 2009
[...] course, there’s always more stuff shaped like boobs (scroll way down until you see the NEW! [...]
Bonnie — June 2, 2009
Btw, the different boob puddings have the names of different major Japanese cities on them. Maybe the different types of women are supposed to be represent the character of the women in those cities...?
Sociological Images » What We’ve Been Up To Behind Your Back (June 2009) — July 1, 2009
[...] S. sent us another example of a boob-themed product and we added it to our products-shaped-like-boobs post. tags: ***updates***| Permalink| Who Gets to [...]
Claudia — July 1, 2009
Just try googling "boob product"!
Furniture Shaped Like Female Bodies » Sociological Images — November 28, 2009
[...] click here, here, here, and here and don’t miss our posts on urinals, food, and boobs. 5 Comments Tags: gender, gender: objectification, gender: violence, objectification, [...]
seth — December 1, 2009
Nice boobies
Anonymous — December 22, 2009
loly fun
Puff — January 14, 2010
What's with the boob/rocket thing. What do boobs and rockets even have to do with each other? Weird....... (and objectifying, and stupid, etc, etc, but I figure that goes unsaid)
Sociological Images Update (Feb. 2010) » Sociological Images — March 1, 2010
[...] never like to let a month go by without updating our post on products shaped like boobs, so this time we added a citrus juicer and a [...]
Puff — March 1, 2010
Creepy....... Did anyone else notice that they're all white boobs? Apparently, even in the land of creepy fetish products, white is default. (*sigh* But what were we expecting, I guess.)
Allie — March 1, 2010
I somewhat appreciate the witty ones, like the milk, and I guess in a way the pillows and things.. but the darts? and juicer?! those are not providing a good image of breasts, at least while being objectified, the breasts that make sense are bring praised in a way.
Two More Ads Capitalizing On Our Obsession With Boobs » Sociological Images — March 21, 2010
[...] Also in boobs: booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobs. [...]
Sociological Images Update (June 2010) » Sociological Images — July 1, 2010
[...] boobs for our two boobs posts! Dmitriy T.M. sent along a boob scarf; yeah so we added that to our booooooooooooooobs post. And Jay Livingston found another ad in which a product that is not a boob is made to look like a [...]
nsv — July 1, 2010
In a case of independent inventionism, see the boob scarf in use at http://www.mama-is.com/distract-a-ta-tas/ and http://www.mama-is.com/distract-a-ta-tas-2/. Delightful!
AJD — July 1, 2010
Every single one of these is beige.
Katsuryi — July 2, 2010
My reaction is this: o____________________O
Ewwww. Aside from the scarf, I find them all disgusting. And I agree with the above post- they are all light-skinned. (Aside from the ice cubes)
Anyc — April 1, 2011
May seem trivial to some, but could we refer to them as "breasts" and not "boobs" or "boobies"? I notice this term used a lot in posts about them, and it seems to me it compounds the problems that arise from seeing them as simply 'things' and not actual parts of the human, and more specifically, the human woman's body. Thanks!
Lau — April 12, 2011
I'm wondering if someone said this already, but the Boob Pudding is marketed at women, it's supposed to make your boobs grow.
10 Craziest Beanbags — October 7, 2011
[...] Is there a better place to take a nap? (Link) [...]
Shafiulalamprince1712 — December 6, 2011
A great collection !!!!
Mordicai — September 8, 2012
I think the "boob glasses" are a joke on the "my eyes are up here" trope. As in, if you put boobs on your forehead, then men will appear to look at your eyes. See also:
Tom Megginson — September 8, 2012
Be careful with those things, my female fellow humans.
They wield epic power over our species' imagination.
Daniel — September 8, 2012
Silly comment... but beer cozies are to keep beer cold, not warm.
Verna Kitson — September 8, 2012
And apparently, the "normal" generic boobies only come in "pink". My neighbor was just sharing that there's a controversy related to the latest breast cancer fundraising campaign. Apparently, there's a t-shirt for sale that says something like "save the boobies". People are asking whether it's appropriate for teenagers to wear them. I'm wondering why anybody would think that "save the boobies" would be a good idea in the first place. Is that the only part of a woman's body that matters these days?
Coyolxauqui — September 8, 2012
Not one brown boob! WTF!
Ashleigh — September 8, 2012
To be fair, I have seen a lot of penis shaped products as well. Has a similar page been created? I understand that many of the penis shaped items are marketed to a fairly specific crowd (read: bachelorette party planners), but I would be interested to see which has the more diverse product line. I also wonder if you would find more racial diversity in the penis product market...
Erational — September 8, 2012
Even leaving aside the 'boob' aspect, this collection of products is a depressing commentary on the shear volume of useless crap that our civilization pumps out, and the amount of money that gets wasted on it. I'm more outraged about that, frankly. Do the companies that make these things ever ponder the fact that that their 'gag boob-gifts' are going to be piled up in landfills, leeching toxic chemicals into the earth and water supply, for countless millennia to come?
Gomiville — September 8, 2012
I did a double take at the mug. My mother has almost the exact same mug, same tilt and orientation, etc, but handmade and a darker shade of pottery. Given to her as a joke by another woman at their church back in '70s. The similarity is just funny.
Fernando — September 8, 2012
That ice cube looks like something else.
Andrew — September 8, 2012
ian — September 8, 2012
I find the "Mama Milk" ad kind of intriguing and also irritating. If you look close enough, it seems that its actually meant for babies. The hand carrying the milk is obviously male which leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Modern "breastfeeding" father or still provider? The font is way to small to be read, but looks like its greek or cyrillic.
Googling didn't really help, but it seems to be related to breast-milk donation (http://askville.amazon.com/affected-sin-Mama-Milk--Fantastits/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=41868589). So I don't think it's was ever a real product but merely some attetion catcher which is, as mentioned in relation to breast-cancer-awareness-campaigns, debateable.
Elena — September 8, 2012
Oh, another post brought back from the grave :____D
Anyway, the first boob pudding at least has a weak gag behind it: the cardboard bra says "Osaka", like the city (大阪). The name of the city, when translated, is "Great/ Big Hill(s)". So now you know.
Eight Mistakes Men Make With Women — The Good Men Project — September 8, 2012
[...] I do not understand the strange ways of “men” and “women,” but when I share EVERYTHING IS BOOBS AND NOTHING HURTS with my partners I am doing it both to tell them about the bizarre array of products that come in [...]
urbanscribe — September 8, 2012
The boob tub plug and the boob lamp look like upside-down testicles... with nipples.
Koldpurple — September 9, 2012
A little off topic, but It's weird to me that the Japanese products used only white blond cartoon females.
annnee — September 9, 2012
As a nursing mom I wish I could find a bottle that actually looks and feels just like a breast. The one thing breast shaped that would actually serve a useful purpose. My baby doesn't like cups or bottles, so a bottle that actually looks like my breast would wonderful. I supposed it would offend other people greatly if I were to use such a bottle in public.
hjfss — September 9, 2012
My brother was given one of those boob stress relievers by his girlfriend a few months ago. It's really squishy and when you squeeze it it swells up like a giant spot. It's frankly kind of disturbing :(
Why are we so obsessed with boobs? « Uphill — September 10, 2012
[...] reason for this is, of course, that female breasts are hyper-sexualised and commodified (quite literally) in our culture to the point that we seem to be unable to associate breasts with anything but sex. [...]
Leanneschwartz — September 17, 2012
I love Heather Cushman-Dowdie and her Hathor and Mama-is comics! It's funny how true it is--nursing nonstop for five years (two kids) makes boobs very normalized. They can be sexy when appropriate but are vast and contain multitudes ;) including nonsexual, nutritive, baby multitudes!
McLicious (Sarah Hannah Gómez) — September 18, 2012
Should I be offended that I am busty (and often experience the stuff in rampaige's comics) but that because I am a woman of color, my boobs are not represented in any of these products? When you think about how black and Latina women are often sexualized, it is actually kind of interesting that these products always seem to be exclusively Nordic looking.
Birchi — November 18, 2018
Nice Post,
Specially for Women when they are looking it for their own postures. I really enjoy this post and I am sure people will enjoy too.
anyclau — August 24, 2021
my friend got one of the boob stress toys as a joke birthday gift. Not gonna lie, it was pretty funny
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