Please join me in extending a heartfelt welcome to our newest monthly blogger here at GwP: Natalie Wilson! As Heather mentioned yesterday, Natalie will be bringing us a monthly column called POP GOES FEMINISM, which will serve up feminist intersectional analysis of, you got it, pop culture.  A literature and women’s studies scholar, blogger, and author, Natalie teaches at Cal State San Marcos and specializes in the areas of gender studies, feminism, feminist theory, girl studies, militarism, body studies, boy culture and masculinity, contemporary literature, and popular culture.She is author of the blogs Professor, what if…? and Seduced by Twilight. She also writes the guest column Monstrous Musings for the Womanist Musings blog. She is currently writing a book examining the contemporary vampire craze from a feminist perspective.

Her inaugural post for GwP, an offering under Heather’s GLOBAL MAMA column titled “The Mommy Myth that Will Not Die,” sparked a superlively conversation here, which I urge you to check out!

Welcome, Natalie!  We’re so excited–and so lucky– to have you as part of the team!