A new Love in the Time of Layoff column of mine goes live over at Recessionwire.com today, and in the meantime, I wanted to share this post from another writer over there, Dan Colarusso, former managing editor of Conde Nast’s Portfolio.com until the end of 2008 and current managing editor of The Business Insider. Dan’s post is titled “Recession Recipes: Satisfaction Stew”. A taste:

You’ve been stripped of your big office, fat title, hot assistant and, most important, your paycheck. But being emasculated on the job doesn’t mean you can’t satisfy your significant other at home—with food.

On the Home Depot scale, cooking something impressive and tasty falls somewhere in between changing a light bulb and installing a new shower head—that is, pretty simple. Some quick rules for the new house husband, and a 20-minute recipe…

For the recipe, click here.