This welcome is long overdue as Emily Kirkman, GWP’s new intern, has been working on vamping up our site for a number of weeks now. You may have noticed a few snazzy new adjustments to Girl with Pen thanks to Emily: this includes a listing of an author’s “Last Five Posts” at the end of a post, as well as a number of back-end tech work that is making our lives much easier, and Girl with Pen much more awesomely teched out.

Emily is currently a senior at University of North Carolina Wilmington where she impressively bridges both humanities and technology as an Art History major, specializing in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture, and a Technical Support Assistant at UNC-Wilmington’s Technology Assistance Center. She’s headed even further into academia, having applied to Master’s programs in both art history and gender studies for next year. We are extremely excited to have Emily on board and hope she will continue to give her tech knowledge–and hopefully some posts–to the GWP community!