Courtesy of our gal Rebekah at WMC again:

Potential Treasury Secretary Sheila Bair Is A “Woman To Watch” 11/10/08 Despite being the lone government employee on the list, Bair tops it not just because of her work in finance as the chair of the FDIC but because, more importantly, her name is bandied about as a black horse candidate for Treasury Secretary in an Obama Administration.

Women Seek Voice In Cabinet As Obama Team Short On Female Faces 11/10/08
Globe and Mail (Canada): The dominance of men on Obama’s transition economic advisory board begs the question: are women being overlooked?

Latinos And The Obama Cabinet 11/12/08
Washington Post: Latino political advocates, citing the importance of Latino votes in President-elect Barack Obama’s victory, are pressing him to appoint at least two and as many as four Latinos to his administration’s 20 Cabinet-level positions.