Just when we thought we’d had enough of media (and everyone else’s) sexism. Sigh. For a Sarah Palin Sexism Watch, hop on over to Shakesville. They’re doing a great job. And meanwhile do check out Marco’s post over at Open Salon, “Mom, Guns, and Apple Pie.”

Me, I’m heading off today for South Carolina, where I’ll be giving a talk tomorrow at the University of South Carolina Upstate. I just added a TON about Palin and the sexism coming her way after only less than 48 hours. Here’s the description:

Talkin ’bout My Generation: Youth, Gender, Race, Class and the 2008 Election

SYNOPSIS: Young voters—and female ones in particular—have been the subject of heated debate in an election when race and gender matter like never before. But what do young voters really think about gender, feminism, race, and the Presidential election? In this talk, cultural critic and feminist Deborah Siegel sheds fresh light on media myths and real-life generational rifts that surfaced during primary season, creating an interactive forum in which members of the so-called postfeminist, post-Civil Rights generation are invited to freely speak their minds.

(And hey – to bring me to your campus, contact info@speakingmatters.org !)