Ok, so I’m stepping up my blogging savvy this season and I’m taking you with me. I’ve started religiously reading ProBlogger for the latest in tips; I really like this guy’s approach.

So I’ve been resisting Twitter, but there’s an interesting post up over there on the importance of building an online network before you need it. Writes Darren Rowse, the ProBlogger guy:

When I began to interact on Twitter I had no plans to use it as a medium for book promotion – however when launch day came I had 6000 people just a 140 character message away.

Another example was recently using LinkedIn. I’ve never really found a way to use LinkedIn effectively before but have promoted my profile on it (in my blog’s footer) because I knew that there would come a time when it would be worthwhile having connections there. Last week it paid off as I used my network of 600 connections to get introductions to a number of key people that I’d have had no way to contact previously.

In both situations the network came before the need to use it.

Hmm…Check it all out and see what you think, here. ProBlogger dude also just came out with a book called, guess what, ProBlogger. I’ll let you know what I learn!