In a new book, Send Yourself Roses: Thoughts on My Life, Love, and Leading Roles,, by Kathleen Turner and Gloria Feldt, Kathleen says:

“Before an opening performance, when I am feeling like I really need an affirmation, I’ll send myself a big bouquet of roses. Why not? Why should I wait around and hope that someone else will send me roses? If someone does, that’s delightful and I will receive them with pleasure. But if no one does, I won’t have to be blue.”

Love the attitude. Love the two women behind this book. And on that note, do check out Gloria’s beautiful new website which features the Send Yourself Roses blog, where Gloria asks us to share what we have done lately to “send yourself roses”, without waiting for someone else to tend to our needs. These two leading ladies will be in conversation tonight at The 92nd street Y in NYC, 8:15 pm, and at Barnes & Noble near Lincoln square on February 18 at 7:00 PM.

The book makes an excellent Valentine’s Day gift for the single and coupled alike. And hey, if you’re romancing an only, what better gift for your one and only than a book called, um, Only Child?! It’s a stretch, I know, but really just wanted to let folks know that on Sunday, Feb. 24 at 9pm on WKCR (89.9 FM in NYC), there will be an hour-long program (“Studio A”) airing featuring only child-ness. Everything you ever wanted to know — from a literary perspective, that is. Our host for this one, MFA student Michelle Legro, asked Daph and me some of the most thoughtful questions ever about being writers and onlies. Some fresh new writing about onlyness will be read on the show, too.

(The program will eventually available as a download, so Mom, in case you miss it….)