Hey – wait – before I sign off for the weekend, just wanted to post this MOST interesting portrait of feminism across generations by Susan Dominus today in the NYTimes.
Featured are Jessica Valenti of my alltime favorite blog feministing.com, and Marcia Pappas, who took over as president of the New York State chapter of NOW the same year Jessica founded the blog (2004). Pappas was the one who issued a press release this week proclaiming that Edward Kennedy’s endorsement of Barack Obama was a betrayal of women. Feministing.com responded (on the blog), “Wow. This is completely unhinged, and frankly, mind-boggling….All I can say is, NOW-NY does not speak for me. And it does not speak for all feminists.”

The NYTimes article, called “Feminists Find Unity is Elusive,” ends with this:

“The two women should probably talk. Surely, there’s a message board somewhere big enough for both of them. We already know they have a lot in common.”

I’d like to see that conversation take place. In fact, I’d like to moderate. I know, I know, I should be careful what I wish for. But seriously, women across generations need to talk to each other, and not just at each other. Which is what we all more often do.

And please note: I took the feministing icon from the left side of the banner over there so as to be sure it does not look like the mudflap girl is giving NOW the finger. Though I admit it was iconographically tempting, that’s not what I’m about.