Yes, folks, she’s a human. DUH. I was actually touched by Hillary’s choked up moment yesterday (see clip above), and impressed by Obama’s response: “I didn’t see what happened … [but] I know this process is a grind, so that’s not something I care to comment on.” And I’m so down with Rebecca Traister on John Edwards’ response. Said Edwards, “I think what we need in a commander-in-chief is strength and resolve, and presidential campaigns are tough business, but being president of the United States is also tough business.” Unclassy, tough guy.

Once again, to cite research from Catalyst, if you’re a woman in leadership, you’re damned if you do, doomed if you don’t. Def don’t miss Gloria Steinem’s op-ed on it all in today’s New York Times, which my mother called to tell me about this morning (thanks, Mom!) and which I am now off to read.

Meanwhile, back in the land of actual issues,
Marc at Feminist Dad notes
that when Take Care Net issued a survey to all the presidential candidates with questions about policy support on issues like FMLA, child care, child care workers, other paid and unpaid family caregivers, and victims of domestic violence, only the Dems responded. The Republican candidates didn’t even bother. Say wha? Survey results are here.