The seventies are IN! In celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the First National Women’s Conference in Houston, Texas 1977, The Bella Abzug Leadership Institute and Girls Speak Out are sponsoring a conference at Hunter College this weekend called the National Conference for Women and Girls, Freedom on Our Terms: From Houston 1977 – NY 2007. The schedule is posted here.

A very breathy and ambitious (and I’ll admit, inspiring) description of it all is posted here (scroll down to the program summary). In a nutshell, participants will examine the 26 planks that resulted in the original National Platform for Action established in Houston back when I was, um, 8 years old, which dealt with all aspects of women’s lives. The goal of the weekend is to “boldly strategize to update the platform to the present, and identify and target goals for the future.” Sounds good, and my hope is that the feeling there will be authentically intergenerational.