I’m quoted in a Reuters article posted today by Helen Chernikoff, “Burlesque revival: more nerdy than sexy?” I think Chernikoff did an excellent job portraying the nuance of new burlesque. And while I’m on it, the Spring/Summer 2007 issue of Women’s Studies Quarterly puts the new burlesque in context. A quick summary of the issue, which is titled “The Sexual Body”:

The mid-1970s feminist critique of the female body, sex, and pornography ignited a debate that has continued to this day. Through critical essays, fiction, poetry, and images, this provocative issue of WSQ probes this territory in the light of emerging areas of study. Engaging the fields of critical race studies, film studies, history, literary criticism, performance studies, and political theory, The Sexual Body energizes the debates on the status of sex, pleasure, power, and desire. Ranging from soul food to dance hall music to new discussions of female-and transgender-directed pornography, this issue mobilizes cutting-edge feminist, race, and queer scholarship to push critical theories of the body to their limits and anticipates where race and sex will inform the next generation.