The gals are catching up. Though I’m curious to learn more about *which* gals and *which* professions. In case you missed it, the New York Times reports today on a “historic” reversal:

For the first time, women in their 20s who work full time in several American cities — New York, Chicago, Boston and Minneapolis — are earning higher wages than men in the same age range, according to a recent analysis of 2005 census data by Andrew Beveridge, a sociology professor at Queens College in New York….The median income of women age 21 to 30 in New York who are employed full time was 17 percent higher than that of comparable men….Professor Beveridge said the gap is largely driven by a gulf in education: 53 percent of women employed full time in their 20s were college graduates, compared with 38 percent of men.

How long before we start with the “Girls-are-taking-over!” and “What-about-the-boys!” headlines? I’m guessing a New York minute.

Regardless, as Jessica rightly picks up on over at feministing today, the article’s slant on the whole thing is rather, how do you say, annoying. The basic message? Beware the young woman with the earning power. Men in their 20s are running scared!