Phewph! After spending part of today conversing with Anonymous in the comments section at Broadsheet (love the broads over there!), I’m back here at Girl with Pen. A few quickie updates about two fellow crossover-y types I adore:

Megan Pincus Kajitani, who has participated as a story editor for the forthcoming Daring Book for Girls, has also started a really interesting blog project called Having Enough. Megan asked me to answer 4 questions about having enough in a having-it-all (and never enough) world. Our interview is up now, here. Thank you, Megan, for making me think!

One thing one can never have enough of, of course, is lunch with fine feminists. I’m taking time out tomorrow for lunch with Alison Piepmeier, English/Women’s Studies prof extraordinaire down in South Carolina, coeditor of Catching a Wave: Reclaiming Feminism for the 21st Century, and girl with excellent hair. Alison is one of my early bloggy mentors, and for that I’m forever grateful. In tribute, I stole (er, shall we say, borrowed?) the title of this post from her.