Hard as it is to pull myself away from the cushy comfort of my hometown (Mom, Dad: thanks for the memories!), Courtney and I head to St. Charles, IL for the National Women’s Studies Association conference first thing tomorrow. If you’re there, come say hi. On Friday and Saturday, we’ll be signing books together (depending on how much sleep we’ve had, we may start signing each others’…) and then on Sunday at 10am, I’ll be leading a workshop on publishing books for trade — here’s what it’s about:

Publishing in Women’s Studies: A Public Voice
Sun, Jul 1 – 10:00am – 12:30pm
Women’s studies scholars and students write about topics central to public debate. Yet too often our work fails to reach an audience outside of the academy. At the same time, to write a book in today’s competitive publishing climate, scholars must appeal to a broader audience than was necessary in the past. This session brings together the people who can help facilitate these translations-literary agents and editors-with scholars who are currently negotiating the traverse. Panelists will discuss the components of a successful book proposal, the writerly and professional payoffs of “crossing over,” and the scholarly challenges of writing “pop” while pursuing tenure.

Session Leaders
Deborah Siegel, Author and Consultant
Jean Casella, Editor

Nancy Crossman, Crossman Literary Agency