If I weren’t going to be in Illinois at the National Women’s Studies conference on June 29, I’d be at the Knitting Factory in NYC that night, here:

Rock for Young Women will feature musical performances by Bouva, Boyskout, Tamara Fishman, Frank Hoier, and Receptor. Molly Kelleher and Maryann Schaub of Broad Comedy will present “It’s Great To Wait,” written by Katie Goodman. The evening will also include several spoken word performances.

Tickets at the door will be $20 with half of the proceeds going to GEMS (an organization that provides preventive and transitional services to young women, ages 12-21 years, who are at risk for or involved in sexual exploitation and violence) and the other half to the New York metro chapter of the Younger Women’s Task Force (which does great work on reproductive rights, voter education, and other issues important to young women in New York City). Doors open at 7 p.m. at the Knitting Factory (74 Leonard Street). Purchase advance tickets from the Knitting Factory for $15.

Thanks to Patti Binder for passing it on. And to someone named Nathan, whose graphic (above) I stole. I’m very into hot pink today – I’m doing my first bookstore reading for Sisterhood, Interrupted, which has a hot pink cover. Fashion advice needed: Is it tacky to wear a dress that matches your book?