ONLY CHILD: WRITERS ON THE SINGULAR JOYS AND SOLITARY SORROWS OF GROWING UP SOLO, the anthology, launched last week and it’s been a whirlwind! Here’s a photo of the book in the window of my hometown bookstore in Winnetka, IL.

Daphne and I had big fun with our live tv appearance on Sunday at CBS. A thousand cheers to Karen Braga, media coach extraordinaire, for helping us transform. You can see the clip – and check out the latest parenting advice (?!). Make sure you’re in the “video” section, and search for “only child.”

All the reporters who interview us seem to be either onlies or parents of onlies, so they’ve been fun conversations. Here’s the latest, an article called “When You’re The One.”

Next up: Daphne and I will be interviewed (live) on Good Morning America Radio tomorrow at 10:20am ET. (GMA Radio airs on Take 5, XM 155, which is a female-targeted station on XM Satellite.) And our book party is tomorrow night, where we’re expecting over 200 people (yikes). Daphne found us an amazing gallery to hold it in. Our editor and our publicist are both onlies, and it sounds like lots of our friends are bringing friends of theirs who are onlies too. We’re handing out nametags that say “I ___ an only” for people to fill in the blank (I am/parent/love/hate/date an only) – I’m daring Marco to write something racy on his. Lots of the contributors are coming, so we’ll get to toast them in person. All my adult life I’ve daydreamed about “the book party” and now here it finally is. Very excited to wear my new party dress!