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  • I came across this piece from 2014 by Evan Stewart, Is Bitcoin a Bust? when a Bitcoin was valued at ~$300, and today one is about 55k. Makes you think.

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  • who’s your safety net? by Elena G. van Stee covers her recent publication on undergraduates’ decisions to move back home during COVID-19 campus closures, being influenced by their housing, financial needs, age, relationship status, and the presence of alternative safety nets like romantic partners or extended family.
  • wealthy disillusioned with politics, too by Parker Muzzerall summarizes research on Finland’s wealth elite who view liberal democracy as inefficient and support strongmen leaders, echoing political powerlessness similar to populist sentiments. 
  • movies reboot gender divides by Colter J. Uscola writes up research in Social Networks on the scarcity of female leaders in the film due to exclusionary practices and the success of Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie”, suggesting audience demand for cinema crafted by women.

Council on Contemporary Families: