Welcome back! This week, we highlight new research on family planning campaigns that have unintended consequences, and we unveil the greatly anticipated winner of our Teaching with TSP contest.
Quotas, Coercion, and Contraception by Allison Nobles. New research investigates how global family planning initiatives incentivize health clinics to convince–or coerce–women to use contraception.
Teaching TSP
Teach with TSP 2019 Winner: Introduction to Sociology TROT Project by Dr. Clare Forstie. This prize-winning assignment invites students to familiarize themselves with sociological research on a topic or question they find important, then summarize it in a compelling way for a public audience.
From Our Partners:
Council on Contemporary Families:
Definitive Evidence that Anti-Ageism Interventions Work by Ashton Applewhite.
Bad Boys or Exceptional Interrupters? by Rodrigo Martinez.
Building Broader Social Movements by Emily Campbell.
Love of Money Can’t Buy Happiness by Robyn Moore.
Gaming on Romance by Christine Tomlinson.
Whose Time Is It? Whites’ Time by Simone N. Durham.
All the Single Oldies? by Robyn Moore.
Love Me Tinder, Love Me Sweet by Jennifer Hickes Lundquist and Celeste Vaughan Curington.
TSP Classics:
There’s Research on That:
Vexed by Vaccination Refusals by Caty Taborda. Research on distrust of science and vaccinations, as well as network ties that spread medical knowledge—and sometimes skew it along the way.
How Policy Promotes Parental Happiness by Brooke Chambers. Parents in the U.S. are some of the unhappiest in the world, and new research in the American Journal of Sociology argues that it likely has something to do with the lack of national parental support policies.