Raw video of the quadcopter drone flight and crash on the streets of Manhattan

you cannot take a picture without involving an act of selfishness

The anxiety some people feel over the mass advent of digital is not unreasonable but their response to it often is

the Bluetooth RoboRoach, the first cyborg to be commercially available to the general public

TV has gotten a lot more intimate, more entwined with our subconscious, closer

Facebook’s temporal orientation puts undue pressure on its users to conform to its system

Technology has made it extremely easy to save data but it is increasingly difficult to lose things deliberately

Anton Menlo not only encourages the dissolution of the work/play divide, it capitalizes on it

Silk Road used the Tor Network, but nothing about the bust suggests Tor has been broken

Broad but shallow (like the social media Eggers lampoons), The Circle is dark comedy for this moment in history

There’s a real brutality to the way Tinder turns people into merchandise

the telephone existed both inside and outside Wever and Bray’s cat and, by extension, people

If you deny sexism in tech, you’re either ignorant or a fucking liar. Neither is acceptable

the Malala Yousafzai interview on the Daily show is just too fine a distillation of what is wrong with Upworthy

The gaze of a drone is intrinsically penetrative. The gaze of a drone burrows

The percentage of female Internet video viewers claiming to watch porn online has grown exponentially

Our augmented reality is far more malleable. Truth and perception are as elastic

Nathan is on Twitter [@nathanjurgenson] and Tumblr [nathanjurgenson.com].













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