The fact that the Supreme Court itself has links to its own Web site that no longer function shows the depth of the link rot problem

In some circles, being inaccessible is a status symbol

the intention behind the looking matters the most

clothing that does not move, rigid materials that force a body into an idealized appearance

romance was alive and well in the Instagram iteration of their marriage

“That’s boring,” thought BuzzFeed, deciding to place photographs of five nipples above that explanation

Guys who try to hit on you by asking if you want to try on their Google Glass

Jesse Pinkman’s Roomba Starting bid: $200

The hypothetical Horse-bot is, I think, a Kantian genius working in a neoliberal world

Even if YouTube miraculously manages to defeat you, you’ll always have Reddit

Texting with your crush is about as “disembodied” as quill-to-scroll love letters were

Nathan is on Twitter [@nathanjurgenson] and Tumblr [].