now that we have a simple tool—and grammar—for looping a half second of video

The Internet makes this sort of writer-presence easier, more ubiquitous

“What’s the point of this app? To forge a connection, or to gamify the dating process

I’d like to type in “dentists liked by people who don’t like horror movies””

The defining feature of a “real” arcade, however, is that there aren’t really any left

digital technologies enable abundant production, watering-down the meaning of an object and/or interaction

“Nice Guys of OKCupid” helps illustrate a large, dispersed, systemic problem by pillaging a large, systemic database

CES is an exercise in imagining a world without Apple

My 6 yr old niece doesn’t have digital dualism

violence against bits is not any less real; such violence remains violence against the whole

What’s going on isn’t about undermining democracy, but about preserving democracy in a networked world

Silicon Valley culture loves to celebrate the end of institutions merely to bask in the spectacle of falling rubble

New feature! One-Purpose Tumblr’s Of The Week

Snapchats From My Mom

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Nathan is on Twitter [@nathanjurgenson] and Tumblr [].