“internet trolling is not random—it is a sentient, directed, strong-armed goon of the status quo”
“It could be used for anything depending on how creepy you want to be”
“So women aren’t geeks, so is that your conclusion?”
“Online and offline only scratch the surface of dualist language”
“It’s the heart of the video, surgically removed and held aloft, endlessly beating”
“The war on whistleblowers is just as much a war on journalists”
“To blame Reddit is to pretend that the platform is the problem”
“‘If you’re not now, you never were’ implies ‘If you’re not in the future, you’re not now’”
“Maybe this is the selfie as a way to combat death. Or to face it?”
“I’d have to call it a success, unless I develop cancer on my scalp!”
“This isn’t like a bag of Doritos …We’re talking about a raw product, the essence of orange”
“Thus [Pope] Francis …opened up ‘a sort of technological sacred space’”
“Where did his driving expertise come from? Mario Kart, naturally”
“If you are remembered, mentioned and quoted, are you ever really dead?”