JSTOR is a rent extraction mechanism that perpetuates fundamental inequalities

a ceremonial flyover of three combat drones

what is Elsevier going to do with Mendeley that warrants uninstalling it from you computer?

Nineteenth century viral culture is quite like today’s Internet culture

Seeing this as only a story about digital technologies & their risks is to overlook how cultural communication is

That was before Apple washed Siri’s mouth out with soap and curbed many of its talents

23 women have joined a class-action lawsuit against the “revenge porn” website

there is something disturbingly misogynistic about online bullying

think self-tracking implies opposite; we’ll invent emotions post hoc to account for what machines report and invent matching ways to feel

Drones are already literary, and they might only be dealt with on a literary basis

The digital environment is not a parallel or purely virtual world

Millennials, the ascendant economic force in America, have been culturally programmed to borrow, rent and share

Even if this is a faked baby with a faked Google street view, it’s still real

she perfectly embodies the perception of how tweens perceive ‘social media fame’ as ‘fame’

fiction is a fantastically useful arena to do social theory, yet it’s one that most social scientists roundly ignore

the picture is as much about taking an iPhone photo as it is about representing the damaged airliner

One-Purpose Tumblrs





Oh, and this: vinepeek.com

Nathan is on Twitter [@nathanjurgenson] and Tumblr [nathanjurgenson.com].