“we are probably the last generation to experience a clear difference between offline and online

technologically-mediated storytelling is every bit as world-destroying as it is world-creating

75 percent of all [Wikipedia] articles score below the desired [Flesch] readability score

We all participate in this strange authorship of the now

Anonymous is reminding you that their fight will soon be your fight, if governments & corporations get their way

the answer doesn’t lie in getting paid to blog, but in relearning how to circulate our food and water as freely as our .gifs

to really understand “the Internet” we need to forget it as a unified “it” altogether

The porn industry is on the same trajectory as all media: content itself no longer holds value

Furby actually makes you want to hurt it somehow—if only it had feelings—so that you can punish it for existing

the internet hive mind might begin producing a new kind of anti-gonzo journalism

personal relationships seem to be the blurry edge of a quantified field of vision

All physical spaces already are also informational spaces

Follow Nathan on Twitter: @nathanjurgenson

via http://marlomeekins.tumblr.com/post/30482634505