Here is our holiday edition (number three) of ThickPod, just in time for the holidays. In this episode, Russell explains the difference between translucent and transparent, Jose blanks out on Jam on It by Newcleus at a critical point in the podcast (wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki), Don discuses ObamaGirl, Ken manages to throw in a Judith Butler reference, and PanoptiCat watches over all.

The posts referenced in this podcast are as follows:
Giving Thanks 2008 by Russell Stockard
Early Exploration of Political Communication in the Election by Don Waisenan
Wiki Transparency by Ken Kambara
Change we can Comment On, by Jose Marichal
This has been an interesting experiment for us, but we’d love to hear what you think. Drop me a line at with coments, suggestions, rants or other forms of communication.
Happy holidays!