Thanks to the Creative Class blog for posting about fascinating research being done at Cambridge on geography and personality traits. The study, led by Jason Rentfrow (Cambridge University), finds that personality traits are cluster by region, sort of a twist on the idea of the Big Sort.

The maps reinforce predictable stereotypes of Americans geographic regions. Northeasterners are more neurotic on average, Californians are more open to new experiences and midwesterners and southerners are more conscientious.

Given the incessant discussions of the presidential campaign, I can’t help but wonder how these data track with supoort for the candidates. The Real Clear Politics electoral map suggest that conscientious, extroverted agreeable states are going for McCain over Obama while neurotic, open to experience states are going for Obama. Looking at the electorate this way might help shed light on why the Democratic party struggles against Republicans. Republicans resonate with agreeable, conscientious people to the extent that the Republicans offer an optimistic, uncritical, assessment of the country. To the extent that the Democrats frame the election as based on “fixing problems” they run up against the predispositions among people in vast swaths of the country that are more comfortable with optimistic political messaging.

I don’t know that I buy these categories as exhaustive of the range of personality traits, but they do give pause as we reflect on the massive choice facing us in 55 days.