Why do folks have to hate on pedagogical innovation. The authors question the wisdom of offering these “frivolous” courses in the midst of an economic downturn. I think these classes are refreshingly creative! I only wish I would have thought of them first.

Among the gems:

Myth and Science Fiction: Star Wars, The Matrix, and Lord of the Rings
Cyberporn and Society
The Science of Harry Potter
Zombies in Popular Media
Joy of Garbage

Philosophy of the Simpsons? C’mon, I’d have taken that at 18!

Am I missing something? Is this taking “sacred” knowledge and making it “profane”? I mean we all toil in the salt mines trying to get our students to engage with ideas. What’s wrong with adding a little cheese to the broccoli? particularly when students are immersed in cheese? As long as it’s not swimming in cheese!

I wonder what students think of these types of courses. Do they want a bright line between their popular culture and their academe? Do we?