I start my forthcoming book Facebook Democracy with this quote from Carlos Castaneda’s mystical book Journey to Ixtlan where the Yaqui Indian Don Juan offers the young student some advice:
It is best to erase all personal history because that makes us free from the encumbering thoughts of other people. I have, little by little, created a fog around me and my life. And now nobody knows for sure who I am or what I do. Not even I. How can I know who I am, when I am all this? Little by little you must create a fog around yourself; you must erase everything around you until nothing can be taken for granted, until nothing is any longer for sure, or real. Your problem now is that you’re too real. Your endeavors are too real; your moods are too real. Don’t take things so for granted. You must begin to erase yourself
While I wouldn’t necessarily endorse this as a life’s goal, it is interesting to me to juxtapose this idea of “placing a fog around me and my life” with the demands of social media. It begs the question: where is the space for doubt, contingency and detachment in the world of social media. I ask this earnestly, fully recognizing that I might not “see the space” before my eyes. It is possible to be a “lurker” in social media, but from my conversations with students it seems like a frowned upon practice.
As a political scientist, what matters more to me is how “being too real” impacts our civic engagements with others. Does social media provide a “certaintly” about the world that inhibits our ability to make the detached observation necessary to appreciate the other? Or does it connect us more and thus make us more empathic and better able to appreciate the suffering of others? While a number of studies highlight how heavy Facebook users lead to greater levels of civic engagement through more exposure to diverse ideas and greater levels of interest in politics.
But is being exposed to diverse ideas the same as integrating diverse ideas into an uncertain and contingent self? An interesting study would look at how people deal with political information with which they disagree. Do they “unfriend” or “ignore” the information? Anecdotally, it seems people I’ve talked to simply remove people from their feed rather than un-friend them. How does engaging with different and potentially distasteful views change when the conversation is on Facebook rather than face-to-face? Not sure I know, but hopeful to find out in the future.
Comments 2
Siavash Habibi — March 2, 2012
There is something to be said about real life "face-to-face" human connection. I have discovered that trust, confidence in someone, affection and many other feelings can be established through eye contact, body language, and the commonly used mysterious phenomenon - "vibe".
Sure, one can create a fog around oneself on Facebook - just watch the film "Catfish" and you will see how "lives" are created on Facebook much more complex than the basic "lurking". I have also found that if I type "shit" or "..." or even a blanc status update, I might get 20-100 comments and even more likes. If I instead write about politics, civic engagement, an interesting NGO, or any sort of activism, I will at most get 5 likes and one or two comments.
Being active on Facebook as a form of being part of the global civil society, or any sort of civil society seems more like a trend than a given. Sure, when a natural catastrophe takes place like in Haiti or in Fukushima - when a public outcry spurs a viral message such as the post-election movement in Iran and the Arab spring that ensued - people become active in sharing links, pictures and their opinions. This is unfortunately trend-based and dies out even when the situation has not been resolved.
As for unfriending someone, it is a difficult undertaking to say the least. It took me several days to unfriend 100 people on facebook, but only takes me seconds to befriend just as many. Befriending someone doesn't mean you are friends, but unfriending someone is definitely an insult. So I understand the "hide from newsfeed" feature. :)
With all this being said, I tried to deactivate my Facebook account but found that the Spotify Premium account that I had been waiting to get required a Facebook account.
new hampshire avicultural society — April 9, 2013
nice..i totally agree