Buried in an article about a recent AP-Univision poll that focuses on dwindling Hispanic support for President Obama is this splash of cold water for the GOP:

With the first midterm congressional elections of Obama’s presidency in three months, the poll shows a whopping 50 percent of Hispanics citizens call themselves Democrats, while just 15 percent say they are Republicans.

By 2050, Latinos are supposed to represent 30% of the US electorate.  Republicans want to tread lightly on the immigration question.  We’ve got long memories!  Just look at the GOP in California.  They’re just getting up off the mat after their campaign in support of proposition 187 in the mid 1990’s:

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“Latino” as an ethnic identity is not a monolith.  It’s possible that many of those who identify as “Latino” will not have children who do so.   But if I were a Democratic strategist, I might push harder for immigration reform.  Just a thought.

Via: Mark Halperin