Watching the Palin-Biden debate last night, I had one of those “a-ha” moments when a theory’s power is revealed in real time.  For me, this happened as Joe Biden was speaking of aternative energy policy.  I was watching CNN’s coverage of the debate, during which the bottom of the screen flashed the read out of an EKG machine…err…I mean…the collective response from the “Perception Analyzers” of three dozen or so undeclared voters in Ohio.  When Biden was on about clean coal and global warming, the needle didn’t move.

It wasn’t until Biden employed a “frame bridging” strategy of connecting clean coal to “good paying jobs” that the lines on the monitor shot up into very positive territory.   Snow and Benford define frame bridging as a “linkage of two or more ideologically congruent but structurally unconnected frames regarding a particular issue or problem.” (467). The intent of which in the policy world is to gain greater support for a given policy, in this case “alternative energy”  

The “perception analyzer,” and its progeny, desipte their prima facie corniness title, do greaty aid the watching of debates.