An AP poll found that more people wanted to watch a football game with Barack Obama (50%) than John McCain (47%). Obama Football More than any other data point from this election, this reflects a serious changing of the guard. Since 2000, the Republicans have owned the affect war. In 2004, a Zogby poll found that 57% of respondents preferred having a beer with President Bush than with John Kerry. Why the shift in four years? Is Obama just that much “cooler” than Kerry. Probably, but here’s the money quote from the AP story:

Women, minorities, younger and unmarried people were likelier to prefer catching a game with Obama while men, whites, older and married people would rather watch with McCain.

Ruy Teixeira has repeatedly made the argument that Democrats have demography on their side. The U.S. Census department estimates that by 2050, self-identified whites will only account for 46% of the U.S. population. Latinos and African-Americans have consistently voted for the Democratic party and while both are socially conservative on many views, they tend towards fiscal liberalism.

I wonder what the football question would yield if it were Biden v. Palin?