What does this comparison between California’s prison spending and it’s spending on higher education say about the state’s current and future priorities?
What does this comparison between California’s prison spending and it’s spending on higher education say about the state’s current and future priorities?
Comments 5
Alyssa Milne — April 22, 2009
It sets the standard for continuously higher prison spending, as if throwing money at the problem is going to make it go away instead of looking at the flaws in the system and trying to make it better from the inside. It is startling that the government is willing to spend more money on prisons than on education, which has always been one of the top priorities in the state. It seems like people are not looking at the big picture, and when they hear that prisons are overcrowded, underfunded, etc. they think that putting money into it will solve things, but that is only temporary.
KAITLYN — April 23, 2009
This shows that the priorities are becoming messed up. If people want to give more money to the states criminals rather than the people of their future they are going to be real sorry because when those people who choose to give more money to the prision systems rather than the people who are getting degrees to pay higher taxes which goes into their social security then be my guest. If people would rather get their social secutiry money from someone who cant get a better job than working at McDonalds rather than someone who works for a major CEO company then they are obviously not thinking in the future. They think prision systems need more money because they are over crowded and underfunded, but hello people THEY ARE IN PRISION FOR A REASON, they shouldnt be having luxury. If they have to share a cell they have to share a cell big deal, they lost all of their rights when they decided to committ the crime they did. Money shouldnt be taken away from people who are trying to better their lives and get a good education so they can get a better job and benefit society.
Corey Pingle — April 24, 2009
We are going to be spenging more and more money that we dont have and it will screw us over later. We cant keep spending all this money on prisons and education and have it keep increasing. Everything is becoming overpopulated and underfunded. How does that work? More people yet the pay is not being allocated to those places. Schools are becoming over crowded and so are prisons. There have been more in each than ever before. It seems that people want to educate just as bad as they want to punish people and keep them in prison. Yet what is the alternative? With the growing demand of people we have to support all these people. The upkeep of the population of california is huge. thats 22 billion just in those two areas alone. I don't how else we should spend it. Maybe we should privatize prisons completely. That would minimize costs.
Samantha Frank — April 24, 2009
This tells me that our spending priorities are not in the right place. While spending on higher education is slightly higher than spending on the prison system, the gap is closing and eventually we will be spending more on our criminals then we are helping people to better their lives. This graph also tells me that even when the funding for higher education dropped spending for the prison systems still rose, so we are clearly more willing to pay more for the criminals. Eventually this is going to come back to hurt us. The less funding for college means the more competitive it will become and the harder for kids to get the education that they need to succeed
Sociological Images » Comparing Spending On Prison And Education In California — April 30, 2009
[...] Jose at Thick Culture asks: What does this comparison between California’s prison spending and it’s spending on higher education say about the state’s current and future priorities? [...]