If you’re like most of my liberal elite buddies, you think Sarah Palin’s recent rumblings about getting into the presidential derby is a great boom for Democrats. Well, I’m less giddy. Here’s reason #1 from Ron Brownstien’s analysis of a recent Pew survey:

63 percent of African-Americans and 54 percent of Hispanics said they expected their children to exceed their standard of living. Even college-educated whites are less optimistic (only about two-fifths agree). But the noncollege whites are the gloomiest: Just one-third of them think their kids will live better than they do; an equal number think their children won’t even match their living standard. No other group is nearly that negative.

While Republicans have a history of elite-driven presidential nominations, Palin has one advantage that Romney, Pawlenty or Hunstman do not…. she resonates with working class whites. This group remains angry, economically distressed and “searching for their country.” Who do you think they think is going to find it for them?

You’ betcha!