No Invitation to APSA for You Buddy!!!!

I’m often critical of my own discipline, but that’s ok because it’s cosa nostra! Fellow Political Science bloggers at The Monkey Cage are rightly peeved (and here) over an amendment offered by Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn to prohibit NSF funding for Political Science research. Here’s Coburn gettin’ all Thomas Kuhn on us:

NSF spent $91.3 million over the last 10 years on political “science.” This amount could have been directed towards the study of biology, chemistry, geology, and physics. These are real fields of science in which new discoveries can yield real improvements in the lives of everyone.

Ouch! If I didn’t know any better, I’d think Coburn was a levying a reasoned critique against a behavioralist approach to the study of social and political phenomena that perhaps tries to mirror the natural sciences too closely. It’s like he read David Easton’s 1969 address at the American Political Science Association where he calls on political scientists to ask more relevant questions and create a “new behavioral revolution” in political science. Maybe Coburn is a devotee of Bent Flyvbjerg and his book Making Social Science Matter where the Dutch Planner calls for a more phronetic rather than epistemological approach to social research. Maybe he’s read the vast literature on action research.… ok, back to reality.  Here’s his big case.:

(political scientists) may have some interesting theories about recent elections, but Americans who have an interest in electoral politics can turn to CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, the print media, and a seemingly endless number of political commentators on the internet who pour over this data and provide a myriad of viewpoints to answer the same questions.

Wow! Say what you want about behavioralists, but Gary King is not John King standing in front of an interactive map. There is a place for advancing general knowledge about why people act the way they do with regard to politics. This last paragraph shows a disdain for voters. “Americans who have an interest in electoral politics”? Am I pollyanna or shouldn’t that be everyone?

Man, we Poly Sci types gotta’ get the word out! I’m glad I don’t teach at Oklahoma State!!!!