From the Monkey Cage: Charles Blow empirically debunks the cocktail party anecdote that Republicans are more likely to engage in illicit behavior (have affairs, get divorced, watch pornography) than Democrats. At that same time, he reminds us of the perils of ecological inference.
Using GSS data, he finds no statistical relationship between political ideology and divorce or infidelity. What’s more interesting to me is why those of us on the left like to grab on to this narrative. There seems to be a trenchant meme in popular culture about the repressed puritan who longs to “let loose.”
My wife and I recently saw Woody Allen’s Whatever Works. An otherwise funny movie except for the tired stereotype of the repressed Southern evangelicals that get enticed by the “big city’s” charms. In this image, a good Christian woman played by Patricia Clarkson is seduced by a philosophy professor and encouraged to indulge her animal spirits.
We also discover that the upstanding southern father, played by Ed Begley, is a repressed homosexual. He only discovers this in New York, of course.
Don’t get me wrong, we can go on for days about the level of hypocrisy present among the “family values crowd.” Republican politicians are having affairs so often that it’s not even news anymore. But it strikes me as interesting that we on the left so readily accept the narrative of conservatives being more sinful than liberals. It reinforces our sense of rectitude. In the same way, I imagine, that conservatives think all of us in academia are a bunch of un-reflective radicals.
Comments 7
Dee — July 2, 2009
Really? You think so? I think that's more of a knee-jerk reaction. The compelling thing is the whole cognitive acrobatics and exceptions being played to death. People engage in adultery, yeah, but it's the gross theatre Sanford's conducting for the media, plus the insistence that he's morally grounded enough to stay governor, plus opposite marriage being sanctimonious and all holy and blessed. You get the idea.
The question is, how do we study this phenomenon further without making conservatives feel like they're being picked on?
Kenneth M. Kambara — July 2, 2009
I think schadenfreude plays a role when one's enemies are gored in the social arena, to the point where we look for allegations that demonstrate hypocrisy or inconsistency. Speaking of gored, critics of Al Gore tried to skewer his as not really an environmentalist because of his farm's carbon footprint and questioned his offsets, yadda, yadda.
Dee brings up a good point about the theatrics of political positioning, akin to celebrity PR moves. Acrobatics indeed.
Brent — July 2, 2009
Thought you might find this interesting
Kenneth M. Kambara — July 3, 2009
Thanks for the link. I find the comments on boyd's talk to be rather interesting. On Twitter, there's plenty of references and links to "The Not-So-Hidden Politics of Class Online", but on two sites that have the same summary, there are often sharp commentaries. Some are inane, but some bring up interesting issues. The transcomic link above is a repost of this Inquisitr summary. While there may be merit in the criticism that the summary didn't do her talk justice, the FB-MyS divide is divisive perhaps due to many causal factors.
Notes for her talk are here::
rkatclu — July 13, 2009
Link to Boston Globe article
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