Not to turn this into a white privilege blog, but… here’s Time’s Mark Halperin’s tease of his take on Obama’s potential Supreme Court nominations.

Ok…I’m not the biggest fan of scanning the blogosphere for poor word choices and labeling it as racist to enhance my own self concept. But what I don’t get is why an otherwise intelligent guy jumps to a framing of the next Supreme Court nomination process as “another instance of screwing over the White guy.” Seriously? How many instances have we had? You do know that of all 108 members of the Supreme Court, 104 have been White males?

So why is the 109th case going to be different? It gets back to this strange presumption that black people are reflexively in-group oriented whereas White people have no such in-group loyalties and are completely free and clear of any race-based bias. This clarity allows them to make dispassioned, merit-based decisions while the rest of use a pernicious “fuzzy logic.”

I think you Sociology folks call this White Privilege.