As I try to get out from under the mass of “green books” (the blue book is a casualty of campus greening efforts), I thought I’d give a shout to my Race, Multiculturalism and Politics students at California Lutheran University. I’m a pretty mild mannered person in general, but for some reason, I often perform “high wire acts” with untested assignments.
This semester, I asked my Race classes (mostly first-semester freshmen) to create Wikipedia entries for books from the suggested readings section of my syllabus. I was a bit nervous about this assignment. Particularly as students began coming to me reporting that the “the crowd” on Wikipedia had decided to delete their blog entries.
Today, some of my students presented their Wikipedia pages, and I was blown away. Other than the occasional typo here or akward sentence structure there, they exceeded my wildest expectations. Here are two examples:
Wikipedia page for Multiculturalism Without Culture, by Anne Phillips
Wikipedia page for Unequal Childhoods by Annette Lareau
I was impressed with my students ability to synthesize pretty heady stuff. I wonder how presenting material in such a public forum changed the work product. Has anyone given a similar assignment? How did it work out? I was stunned by the zeal with which many of the students approached this project. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Comments 3
Jonathan Pfeiffer — December 12, 2008
Nice experiment: making students license their homework under the GNU FDL. I had to check the syllabus to see whether peer production is part of the course content. Since it apparently is not, you must have felt that the Wikipedia assignment could be a worthwhile learning experience on its own. As someone who is about to get involved with undergraduate teaching, I am curious to know what you are learning from this, and whether your students found the assignment to be as helpful as you hoped. Maybe the course evaluations will be a chance to find out. If you are allowed to share some of the students' anonymous comments, and if you feel comfortable doing so, then let us know what they say about the encyclopedic open source summaries.
King Politics — December 14, 2008
Cool assignment. I might have to borrow this from you.
jose — December 15, 2008
Let me know how it works if you do :-)