I asked my Race and Politics students to take the Harvard Project Implicit test on race. For those not familiar with the test, subjects are asked to place photos of people into a black/white category, then asked to place words in a good/bad category and then asked to do both simultaneously, moving words or pictures to the right or left of the screen. The cognitive trick occurs when respondents are asked to put words into the Black/good category or the White/bad category. The longstanding negative associations associated with “blackness” are well documented.

In Black Visions, Michael Dawson cites 1990 General Social Survey that shows 54% of whites still believes that blacks are less intelligent than whites. According to the project implicit site, 75-80% of self-identified Whites and Asians show an implicit preference for racial White relative to Black.

To my great surprise, my own scores revealed an implict bias towards African-Americans Whites. My results read as follows:

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for African American compared to European American.

The overall biases read accordingly:

Apparently my biases run in the opposite direction as predicted by my phenotype.  Has anyone else taken this test? What were your findings? Impressions?