From PostSecret this week:

NEW! Lobby Card from Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs:


This is one of the ads for “Tom Ford for Men”, a new cologne for men by Tom Ford.

Check out the extent to which the female model is objectified:

In this ad for St.Pauli’s Girl beer, a woman’s body has been turned into the alcohol itself, conflating liquor and women as products for consumption:

NEW! (Mar. ’10): Tom M. sent in two more examples. This is a brand of Russian beer manufactured to look like a woman in fishnets and a garter (found at copyranter):

And Skinny Blonde is an Australian brand (found at Change Marketing):

Gwen Sharp is an associate professor of sociology at Nevada State College. You can follow her on Twitter at @gwensharpnv.

This mortgage company is using sexy retirees to sell mortgages. The gimmick is along these lines: Your relationship with your home loans should age as well as your relationship with your spouse. Here are three pics on the website:

Click here for the website. Make sure to look at the bottom right and find the link to the TV commercial (hint: wet t-shirt).

Women of color are stereotyped as more sexual than white women. 

This billboard draws on the stereotype that Latinas are always hot and spicy:


NEW: These three ads, sent in by Elizabeth A., are for Rio Suites Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas (images found here).  The “card” representing passion just-so-happens to include a woman of color in a red dress with fire.

This is a motel/tourist trap/amusement park in South Carolina called Pedroland that is based on the stereotype of the dumb, lazy Mexican.

Here’s the link. This is what it says on the front page:

pedro got 112 meelion amigos, who stay weeth heem, opp teel now all satisfy come back, send frans…thees make pedro ver’ HAPPEE…like for frans come back all time…pedro hope YOU make 112 meelion and wan happee amigos! you come back soon, too, yes?

Some examples of image manipulation to add to a previous post.

This is from the material promoting Katie Couric’s now ended news anchor job:

Notice that Keira has larger breasts and a flatter stomach on the re-touched poster:

And here’s one that shows how they differently change men’s bodies (head shrunk, biceps enlarged):

This is what Roddick’s arms really look like (but you can google image him and find many many images in which he looks more like this than he does on the Men’s Health cover):

Also see this interactive website here.

NEW: Samantha J. sent in a link to Picture-Perfect, a gallery of images comparing real photos of celebrities such as Jennifer Hudson and Liv Tyler to Photoshopped images of them on magazine covers. Thanks, Samantha!