Pew Research Institute Report
PETA is well known for objectifying women in their efforts to encourage us to be kind to animals. Here are some print ads using (near) nudity:
In these two, they actually make women into animals in cages:
This one, found at Feministing, includes the following press release from PETA which in no ways tries to obfuscate their reliance on the objectification of women for their own purposes:
Wearing sexy yellow bikinis outside the legislative meeting of the United Egg Producers in Washington on Wednesday, six PETA beauties will crowd into three cramped cages to mimic conditions for laying hens on factory farms. The ladies will hold egg-shaped signs that read, ‘Chicks Suffer for Eggs.’
In case you were wondering if they were denigrating women as well as showing them naked and in cages… Here you go:
Because women’s natural bodies are actually quite disgusting, apparently.
Boys too!
NEW: Matt S. sent in three more PETA posters and a video featuring Alicia Silverstone:
To see this video featuring Silverstone on youtube, I had to verify my age and was warned that it might not be suitable for minors:
As Matt pointed out, if you didn’t know what PETA is, these ads could just as well work as pro-fur ads, by implying that if you buy a woman a fur, she’ll get naked and be sexually available to you.
Thanks, Matt!
From PostSecret this week:
This mortgage company is using sexy retirees to sell mortgages. The gimmick is along these lines: Your relationship with your home loans should age as well as your relationship with your spouse. Here are three pics on the website:
Click here for the website. Make sure to look at the bottom right and find the link to the TV commercial (hint: wet t-shirt).
Women of color are stereotyped as more sexual than white women.
This billboard draws on the stereotype that Latinas are always hot and spicy:
NEW: These three ads, sent in by Elizabeth A., are for Rio Suites Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas (images found here). The “card” representing passion just-so-happens to include a woman of color in a red dress with fire.
This is a motel/tourist trap/amusement park in South Carolina called Pedroland that is based on the stereotype of the dumb, lazy Mexican.
Here’s the link. This is what it says on the front page:
pedro got 112 meelion amigos, who stay weeth heem, opp teel now all satisfy come back, send frans…thees make pedro ver’ HAPPEE…like for frans come back all time…pedro hope YOU make 112 meelion and wan happee amigos! you come back soon, too, yes?
Some examples of image manipulation to add to a previous post.
This is from the material promoting Katie Couric’s now ended news anchor job:
Notice that Keira has larger breasts and a flatter stomach on the re-touched poster:
And here’s one that shows how they differently change men’s bodies (head shrunk, biceps enlarged):
This is what Roddick’s arms really look like (but you can google image him and find many many images in which he looks more like this than he does on the Men’s Health cover):
Also see this interactive website here.
NEW: Samantha J. sent in a link to Picture-Perfect, a gallery of images comparing real photos of celebrities such as Jennifer Hudson and Liv Tyler to Photoshopped images of them on magazine covers. Thanks, Samantha!