These images were all used (along with lots of others) in a 2003 campaign in which PETA, obviously, compared modern agricultural practices and eating meat with the Holocaust:
Found here.
Found here.
Found here.
I assume it will not surprise anyone to learn that many people were offended by the campaign. I can imagine using these images in courses on food/agriculture, social movements, natural resources and the environment (especially in discussions of what rights non-human animals have), and even lectures about historical memory (for instance, when and how does it become acceptable to use historical tragedies like the Holocaust as symbols in other arguments, rather than as events in and of themselves?).
Thanks to an anonymous poster for pointing this campaign out!
NEW: Elizabeth (from Blog of Stench) sent in this ad (found here) PETA apparently attempted to run in the Portage Daily Graphic in Manitoba, Canada:
The ad references an incident on a bus in Manitoba where a man beheaded a fellow passenger and compares it to the slaughtering of animals.
Thanks, Elizabeth!
Comments 152
Anonymous — May 5, 2008
Wow....I find this truly offensive...
I can't even imagine this campaign went through all stages of production without somebody stopping it. (Then again, Peta is usually pretty extreme when it comes to trying to prove its point, but still.)
I really hope the ads have been pulled immediately.
georgedarroch — May 5, 2008
We do a disservice to the Holocaust if we refuse to compare it to other human actions, as though it is so incomparably different to anything else or before, as if arrived without precedents. There is also the question of ownership - is this a Jewish tragedy or a human one? And thus who has the right to use its memory.
The last quote was from Isaac Bashevis Singer, "In relation to [animals], all people are Nazi's; for the animals, it is an eternal Treblinka."
Elizabeth — May 5, 2008
You have a right to your opinion George, but as a Jew who has lost family in the Holocaust I find this truly disgusting. My Synagogue, one that is made up of many Jews, protested PETA and this ad. You can not compare the pointless deaths of millions of HUMANS to the deaths of animals, as horrible as they may be killed. When animals contribute the same way humans do perhaps then it will be a valid comparison.
Navidson — May 5, 2008
Ah PETA, not getting since...whenever the hell PETA was first invented.
Is it beyond paranoid of me to imagine there is some vast right-wing conspiracy behind groups like PETA that SEEM to want to do something good but go about achieving that goal in the worse way possible to make real groups doing good look stupid?
It may, in fact, be that I am paranoid.
elissab — May 6, 2008
these images are also used for anti-abortion campaigns, most notably on college campuses.
Sociological Images » Use of holocaust imagery in weird MTV campaign — May 6, 2008
[...] Ad from Jesse Helms’s 1990 Campaign on Race And Crimegwen on a little bling changes everythingelissab on PETA’s “Holocaust on Your Plate” [...]
Interrobang — May 6, 2008
When animals start getting together and forming autonomous activist groups demanding equal rights under the law, humane treatment from people, and/or the right to have self-determination in government, then I'll start believing these images (and PETA's agenda) aren't a horrifying false equivalence.
Anonymous — May 6, 2008
humans ARE animals. get over your ontological problems.
Village Idiot — May 7, 2008
Just more proof that humans don't play favorites; we treat other species as poorly as we often treat ourselves, even as we shave the rest of the evidence of our primate past off our bodies. Mass slaughter is business as usual, and has been throughout history. I fear we ain't seen nothin' yet; people are just getting nuttier and the population is much, much larger now. These ads are as appropriate as any since they're all just emotionally manipulative BS anyhow.
PETA is also in the mega-hypocrisy business, there's plenty of interesting stuff out there to read that really makes me wonder, but I don't think it's a false-flag type group; as far as I can tell they really are as sincere and fanatical as any fringe group. They also don't get it. I oppose factory farming for many reasons, including the inhumane nature of it, but those ads are anti-human not pro-animal; congratulations on alienating your audience! Most of the harder-core, activist members of PETA that I've met and spoken to really do hate human beings, and I've been told "yes, I think it would be great if humans went extinct," presumably so cute furry creatures could run around freely enjoying that person's fantasy of an animal's life. Most of the donors to PETA I've met have no idea what they're really all about.
emfole — May 16, 2008
I find this comparison extremely fair period.
Anonymous — August 8, 2008
They've done it again:
Sociological Images » VIOLENT METAPHORS — February 19, 2009
[...] I’ve always found it troubling when I hear people use the word “Nazi” metaphorically. Terms like “fashion nazi,” “food nazi,” even Seinfeld’s famous “soup nazi” episode, seem to trivialize the Holocaust. Of course, we often recognize the hyperbole and that’s part of what makes it fun. But do we really want to make fun with such an idea? Lots of people didn’t like it when PETA did it. [...]
Miam! Qu’il est bon ce steak! « Stop the world! — March 30, 2009
[...] je ne vous ai même pas parlé de leur campagne de “l’Holocauste dans votre assiette” ni de celle qui fait allusion au [...]
Flu-Bird — April 8, 2009
PETA are a bunch or radical new age cultists of animal worshippers their rediculous and stupid and only a complete idiot would have anything to do with them
Shay — April 19, 2009
I saw Elizabeth's response, who was offended "as a Jew who has lost family in the holocaust", and I must counter that, as one too, directing you to my mother's (who is a survivor) LETTER OF SUPPORT:
Also, I must say I see Elizabeth's argument: "When animals contribute the same way humans do perhaps then it will be a valid comparison." It actually appears there is no other species on the plant that causes as much damage then the human species. I hence see the argument as quite poor. On top of that that argument makes one wonder, who is to say who "contributes enough" to earn the right no to be a victim? Do we REALLY want to go to that place in which we divide the world to those who are "worthy", and those that should be victims of those that are "worthy"?
Sociological Images » Depicting “Starving African Kids” — June 21, 2009
[...] juxtaposing wealth and poverty, PETA again, and again, Spanish anti-gentical cutting ads, then back to PETA, showing domestic violence to oppose animal cruelty, hypersexualizing little girls, depicting aid [...]
Anonymous — June 22, 2009
"When animals start getting together and forming autonomous activist groups demanding equal rights under the law, humane treatment from people, and/or the right to have self-determination in government, then I’ll start believing these images (and PETA’s agenda) aren’t a horrifying false equivalence."
Here's what bothers me about this:
This statement assumes that because animals do not have language similar to the ones we use and do not organize using the same systems we do, that they don't care about dying senselessly. It's ridiculous to insinuate that because we're more "civilized" (by our own standards), we're greater than animals. By no means am I promoting the extremist "I hate people; all humans should die" crap, but let's at least be respectful.
Yael — June 26, 2009
I find it not only offending, but also incredibly stupid. Honestly, just lack of basic logic.
In connection to what has been said here by Elizabeth and Interrobang, and the reaction to it: the way I see it, this isn't about what the animals can or can't do, it is about ideology.
The day I see a human leader saying that cows are the scour of the earth, that their mere presence near humans is poluting our race, and that therefore they must all be killed - that day I will agree with such a comparison (but only in relation to that one specific man). The way we treat animals is debatable, but to say that it is like the Nazis completely misses the point of WHY the Nazis did what they did, and this is why it is disrespectful to the Holocaust.
Yael — June 26, 2009
(I meant 'scourge of the earth', of course. Not a native English speaker, so I remembered the word wrong, and forgot to check it. So don't go into over-analysis on it, yeah?)
Jeff — July 1, 2009
I would like to make two points.
1) This campaigns presupposes that animal and humans are of equal 'value', as many PETA follower state, after all humans are merely animals themselves.If this is so i would like to point out that many animals are meat eaters. Why is it natural for lions to kill and eat deer but 'inhumane' for humans to eat chicken or beef, after all at a very basic level it really comes down to the fact that we are higher in the food chain, just as lions are higher than deer or birds -worms. Its perfectly natural and indeed logical to eat meat.
2) Much in agreement Yael i would like to point out how illogical this ad is. The animals in question are killed for food- The victims of the holocaust (or any other genocide) were killed because of ideological extremists.
as i stated in 1) the consumption of meat in the animal kingdom is nothing unusual however rarely do you see or hear of animals killing for game or fun or for ideological reasons. If these ads were in reference to gaming or hunting i could see a small logical connection (yet still find them extremely offensive and insensitive) however there is no logical connection between the senseless slaughter of humans and the eating of animals as part of a well balanced diet!
And before anyone starts going on about how animals are killed needlessly in the production of meat i would like to say that its not akin to eating meat. I don't agree with the slaughter of animals for no reason but that doesn't take away from the fact that it is perfectly natural to eat meat! Furthermore before any tries to tell me that meat is bad for you id tell them to go and do their resource and they will find that there are a lot of ESSENTIAL nutrients found in meats and animal products that you can't not get from veg. (and which is it not more unnatural to need to supplement you diet with chemicals and tables than to eat what is naturally provided).
(i went on a bit there ..woops =) )
Yael — July 2, 2009
Actually, Jeff, I was trying to avoid your sort of argument, for various reasons:
1. I have already seen extremist vegans make the argument 'Oh, so if the Nazis ate the Jews, that would make it okay?' - which of course [I believe] is a very stupid reductio-ad-absurdum kind of argument, but I just did not want to go there; I was trying to show that this is not about the WHAT but about the WHY. Nazis did what they did because they thought that the lesser races (Jews, Roma, PoC etc.) need to be purged off the face of the earth, because they thought their mere presence was polluting the purity of the Master Race. This is the basis of their ideology and of their actions. Comparisons to animal industry (be it their living conditions or the basic idea of slaughtering animals for food) ignore this ideological basis, and therefore cheapen the true horror of what happened in the holocaust.
2. I am a happy carnivore myself, but I very certainly do not want to get into an argument about whether we need to eat meat or not. Some vegetarians claim that humans were never meant to eat meat, and that it's actually bad for you (I disagree, but the people who make this argument tend to be so vehement about it that I just don't want to bother arguing to begin with); others argue (more reasonably, in my eyes) that thanks to technological advancement modern humans no longer need to get their nutrients from meat, and so can try to prevent the animals' suffering. I have my opinions on both of these views, but my point was not related to that at all. This post is, after all, not about whether eating meat is right or wrong, or even about the meat industry. It is about PETA's choice to use a comparison to the holocause, which I find not only tasteless but also illogical.
davis — February 27, 2010
Forget PETA believe the word of GOD.
Genesis 9:2-3 (New King James Version)
2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand. 3 Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs.
4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, 2 through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, 3 who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,
CJ Colsen — April 13, 2010
I think this campaign is wonderful.
Everyone in their right mind agrees that the holocaust was horrible. But rather than just feeling offended, shouldn't we use our understanding of how horrible the holocaust was to make sure nothing like that ever happens again? If we are eating meat, and thereby causing a huge amount of suffering that is in many ways comparable to the holocaust, shouldn't we stop what we're doing?
Yael — April 19, 2010
CJ: No. No, no, no.
This is a horrible, offensive campaign.
Bad as people may treat animals (and even as a carnivore, I can see that point about raising animals for meat), it is NOT the same as the holocaust. You are, just as I explained, looking at the 'how' rather than the 'why'.
The Nazis put other human bengs in ghettos and concentration camps, and killed them in great masses, because they saw those other human beings not only as inferior but as something so vile that they are polluting the earth and the human race by their very existence. They thought that the ideal solution is to destroy every single one of those inferior people.
Show me the human leader that thinks cows or chickens or whatever are a cancer that needs to be wiped from the face of this planet. Show me the meat eater that thinks that by killing animals it is doing the world a favour. Then and only then will I agree to a holocaust comparison - and even then, only in relation to that specific person.
Ignoring the reasons for the Nazis' actions - saying that a campaign like this is good because 'the holocaust was horrible, ergo everything that is even mildly horrible is totally like the holocaust' - is basically diluting the importance of the actual events of the holocaust. (I feel the same, by the way, with the ubiquitus 'nazi' tag in things like 'feminazi' or 'grammar nazi'; once again, it's blurring the actual meaning, the actual deeds of the Nazis, into a vague 'bad dictator-type thing' label)
The way to make sure nothing like that ever happens again is by making sure that these images and concepts are not taken easily, and not used as a synonym for 'bad' - by making sure that they keep the full horror that they represent. By learning and remembering the true context, the full details of the holocaust, of the Nazi cincentration and extermination camps, of the whole Nazi mechanism. Not by using them for whatever means your personal ideological belief deems worthy.
CJ Colsen — April 19, 2010
Hey Yael.
I appreciate your response.
It sounds like we are mostly on the same page. I agree with you that it's fucked up when people say things like "feminazi" or "grammar nazi." I agree with you that the holocaust should not be taken lightly. I agree that "holocaust" should not be used as a synonym for "bad."
But imagine just for a moment-- what if something were to happen that was as terrible as the holocaust? Let's say it didn't happen to Jews this time, but it happened to others this time? What if a huge group of individuals -- as many as those in the holocaust, or maybe even more -- maybe a hundred times more -- were locked up against their will, even though they had committed no crime? What if this was done to infants? What if they were torn away from their families, had their body parts sliced off without anesthesia, were made to live in filthy conditions, were beaten and burned, were forced to watch while their friends died, and then were killed themselves in various violent, painful ways? What if they never got to see grass, nor sun, for their entire lives? What if they were not even given the freedom to stand up, stretch out their limbs, or lie down comfortably -- not even once?
Sadly, this exact situation is happening right now. For an introduction, you can watch this video:
Bryan — June 13, 2010
First, i agree that using the Holocaust imagery is offensive and alienates people from the cause. And i agree Yael with your statement about the how and why.
But it is not simply about whether humans should eat meat or not, it is about the horrible suffering inflicted on billions of animals that they endure throughout their lives in factory farms.
And though i believe we should draw parallels between human suffering and animal suffering (much more than we do), it doesn't have to be about stating an equivalency between humans and animals.
Co-opting Abe Lincoln and the Fight Against Slavery » Sociological Images — June 29, 2010
[...] posts: MTV PSAs reference Holocaust, PETA’s Holocaust on Your Plate ads, romanticizing picking cotton, different ways of remembering national tragedies, Mammie souvenirs, [...]
Why I like PETA (and why I like Chris Morris) « The Vegantry — August 8, 2010
[...] Whilst an ad campaign like “Holocaust On Your Plate” (some images of which can be seen here) can seem immediately repulsive to many people, I believe it is this immediate reaction which is [...]
Animals and Abortion Part 1: How PETA gets it wrong | Abortion Gang — May 25, 2011
[...] As a Jew I was thoroughly disgusted when they previously exploited the Holocaust in their ads. Well, just in case I thought PETA couldn’t piss me off any more, they did with their ads in [...]
King- Relevant Text Log 2 | busybusycolette — June 15, 2011
[...] companies were able to make between their cause and the atrocities of human actions. The use of Holocaust images in contrast with the treatment of animals is a powerful image, and yet I couldn’t help but feel angry at PETA for belittling the [...]
2Health: How to take care of yourself. » Blog Archive » Moving Animals: Spectacular Animal Films (Part 1) — July 16, 2011
[...] that re-figured the medical oppression of women to that of animal others, and PETA's "Holocaust on Your Plate" and "Animal Liberation" exhibits that juxtaposed images of human and nonhuman [...]
If PETA treat animals the way they treat humans, I pity the animals « Another angry woman — August 23, 2011
[...] happy to see their ordeal compared to a chicken nugget. This doesn’t stop PETA, of course. One local ad campaign of theirs focused on a grisly murder in Manitoba fairly soon after it [...]
PETA Tactics Debate — August 30, 2011
[...] [...]
Moving Animals: Spectacular Animal Films (Part 1) — November 11, 2011
[...] that re-figured the medical oppression of women to that of animal others, and PETA’s “Holocaust on Your Plate” and “Animal Liberation” exhibits that juxtaposed images of human and nonhuman [...]
I Don’t Belong Here: Man, Fuck PETA | It's The Crew! — December 1, 2011
[...] decade — dumps the bodies in a huge walk-in freezer, and sends them to be cremated. Terrible. The comparisons to the Holocaust are so obvious that it feels redundant to point them [...]
POLSKA — April 1, 2012
laura — May 29, 2012
I think, for those people who think that this is offensive, they cannot understand the meaning of it, because they cannot be sympathetic to this campaign. I mean, if you don't TRULY believe that animals should live free and should be treated with respect, then you cannot understand anything. It is POINTLESS to discuss with people who doesn't give a shit. Of course you can compare the holocaust with this animal slaughter. It's the only way to show it HOW IT REALLY IS FOR THE ANIMALS TO LIVE THROUGH SUCH A TERRIBLE LIFE.
‘The Situation’ and PETA Demand That You Neuter Your Kitten (PHOTOS) | Twirlit — October 12, 2012
[...] than to help it. Pairing sex with animal rights, having a person die of heat exhaustion in a car, comparing killing animals to the Holocaust. Why? Because they can and extremist love an extreme [...]
Decizia instanţelor germane de a interzice o campanie PETA, asociată cu imaginea Holocaustului, este una legitimă | Blog de jurisprudenta — November 12, 2012
[...] ale campaniei similare, desfăşurate în SUA: (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) [...]
The hero we need. | I could be annyone. — November 13, 2012
[...] – despite tackling diverse issues like national socialism (will upload it later, better than PETA’s approach btw.), environmental problems and wrong ideals. Mona sits in her classroom, suddenly her sight [...]
Nobody — March 3, 2013
I agree animals should be killed in a more humane way, but to stop eating meat is ridiculous.. Wild animals kill each other all the time to survive off meat, we humans need to eat as well. I wish the pigs were treated better, but to compare it to a massacre like that? Ridiculous, Insensitive, and Disrespectful. PETA isn't gaining any support with stuff like this.
PETA asks gamers not to exterminate aliens | Planet Ivy — March 13, 2013
[...] petitions for a plaque to commemorate dead fish, before that they offended basically everybody by comparing battery chickens to Holocaust victims. They have also had a go at Pokemon for encouraging children to view real-life pets as ‘unfeeling [...]
Someone — March 13, 2013
PETA are a bunch of evil hypocrites. Firstly they appear to care more about animals than people, if a squirrel fell out a tree and died they would cry for days. But if a group of crocodiles came into a city and killed thousands of people, they would say it's 'animal revenge' and we 'deserved' it. But here's the good part. PETA are cruel to animals too. If you look at how many pets they put down in their shelters, you'd be shocked. About 90% of all animals in PETAs shelters are put down, ones which were perfectly healthy and adoptable. They'd rather an animal be dead than be a pet. So who's really the mass animal murderers?
Mexican terrorists wage war on nanotech, but it’s PETA we should be worried about | razoredgeblog — March 16, 2013
[...] If you’ve ever wondered how presumably decent, caring people could come up with something like The Holocaust On Your Plate, it is in its essence the same sort of ideology that brought us the ITS themselves: the veneration [...]
Mexican terrorists wage war on nanotech, but it’s PETA we should be worried about | Surya R Praveen — March 18, 2013
[...] If you’ve ever wondered how presumably decent, caring people could come up with something like The Holocaust On Your Plate, it is in its essence the same sort of ideology that brought us the ITS themselves: the veneration [...]
Bruce — July 23, 2013
This is a fantastic campaign because it makes us think about the role we play as bystanders to atrocities that are being committed every minute in our name.
Whether or not we shield our eyes from it, the suffering meat-consumers inflict is real, the same way that the suffering of the Jews was real even though it was relegated to isolated camps. In that sense, the comparison to the holocaust is extremely fitting. I say this as a Jew whose family was decimated by the holocaust on both my mother's and my father's side. Peta has my full support.
Confused animal lover — July 23, 2013
ok everyone, i will soon be starting to work for an animal rights group, and i need to know both sides to be able to think critically and truly help.
at this time i believe peta to be hypocritical for several reasons :
a) You say human are animals, so why ruin the lives of human by destroying medical research labs where the people who work there have often given their whole lives to medical research (a benevolent cause, especially when animal rights activist suddenly have cancer and realise advancement is slow)
often peta activist dont understand the research they are destroying, and 'free' the animals and destroy the research (which is technically violating everything the research animals have arleady contributed)
b) when freeing said animals, peta puts them into there own shelters, and proceeds to kill the majority of them (89% in 2012)
they say this is because they have no room to take care of extra animals, but with an anual budget of 25 million dollars, to a TAX-EXEMPT organisation, im surprised they cant make room or pay more employees. This is especially true when you consider the money they donate to help Convicted felons. People like Rodney Conorado ( who set fire to a lab in michigan state university in the name of animals ) receive 45 000$ from peta for theyre trial and then peta has no money for animals?? plus another 25 000$ for that mans father, just so you know.
also c) they target kids. To me animals rights are extremely important and we must raise awareness, but the type of advertisement that peta uses makes them far less legit. It should be easy to convince people of a good cause. Therefore, why use psychological propaganda? that is what dictators do. not only that but theyre propaganda is so weak anyone with a brain can see that theyre videos are shock bullshit that often have no real footage of what theyre slamming. They also use loaded language all the time and overall they make me feel like they think im stupid and easy to convince. I will never listen to any add that treats me like and idiot or someone who is easy to manipulate, and neither will any other well educated rational person. So in essence, they should really just tell the truth and use the truth and not manipulate, this would add credibillity to there claims and if theyre cause is just then there should be no need to manipulate anyway"
so yea those are my thoughts on peta right now, pleas respond i love seeing counter arguments and pro-arguments
Lilyana Marques — August 15, 2013
I agree with PETA on most things, but I found this campaign so grossly offensive it almost brought me to tears.
But this kind of extremism is NOT the way to get what you want.
When you act like this, you lose credibility and end up hurting your cause more than helping it.
Acting out: The extreme tactics of animal rights activists | — October 28, 2013
[…] juxtaposing sexual imagery with the killing of animals, to ads comparing animal cruelty to the Holocaust, PETA likes to grab headlines.While some of PETA’s campaigns have evoked the ire of feminist […]
Animal Rights Activism, Sexism & the Parable of PETA | Bluestockings Magazine — November 9, 2013
[…] are not the only group of people PETA has offended. In 2004 PETA launched their campaign ‘Holocaust in your plate’ which featured pictures of animals in terrible caged conditions next to pictures of Holocaust […]
Eure Holocaust-Analogien sind verachtenswert | Tea-riffic — November 24, 2013
[…] und stellten sie auf dieselbe Ebene mit den Kulissen der Tierindustrie. (Die Bilder könnt ihr hier finden. Aber TW: Bildmaterial aus der […]
from Cracked -Because it is | Top Cats Roar... — December 11, 2013
[…] the Humane Society of the United States, an organization generally known for being way less Holocaust-trivializingly crazy than PETA, recommended the eternal slumber of death over bothering to try to rehabilitate any of […]
Justin Bieber’s New Puppy ‘Karma’ Brings Inevitable PETA Slam … But — December 29, 2013
[…] of bruised naked women in shackles to highlight similar abuse of animals. In 2004, PETA used Holocaust imagery in a campaign, also using images of dead children alongside caged pigs which they defended by […]
Justin Bieber Gets A New Puppy, PETA Slams Singer | Celebrity Most Wanted — December 29, 2013
[…] of bruised naked women in shackles to highlight similar abuse of animals. In 2004, PETA used Holocaust imagery in a campaign, also using images of dead children alongside caged pigs which they defended by […]
PETPETA — January 21, 2014
Mmmmm...delicious holocaust.
PETA’s “Holocaust on Your Plate” | UMass Journalism Ethics — April 7, 2014
[…] […]
Is Peta Persuasive or Dissuasive? | becca brooks — May 11, 2014
[…] like they aren’t getting enough criticism for it. Comparing the slaughter of animals to the Holocaust and treating women as a piece of meat in their ads definitely are getting their view across. I […]
PETA’s Reprehensible ‘Got Autism’ Campaign | NEWS | Phones | Nigeria Science | Technology |Computers — May 28, 2014
[…] for the terrible campaign, but let’s not forget: this is the same group that likened barbecuing chickens to the […]
WhiskyCopper — June 23, 2014
I think it's great. Graphic, honest, and true to advertising that can cause change.
smoochypoo — July 29, 2014
Are you a social pariah, who's only contact consists of snark?
Worship Nature: The Final Solution to the Ecology Problem? :: | Conservative political and social commentary — March 1, 2015
[…] head of PETA equated the incineration of Jews in the Holocaust with the barbecuing of chickens. But when asked the position of PETA on abortion, she replied that […]
Moving Animals: Spectacular Animal Films (Part 1) | health center — March 8, 2015
[…] that re-figured the medical oppression of women to that of animal others, and PETA's "Holocaust on Your Plate" and "Animal Liberation" exhibits that juxtaposed images of human and nonhuman […]
Moving Animals: Spectacular Animal Films (Part 1) | video roomy — March 9, 2015
[…] that re-figured the medical oppression of women to that of animal others, and PETA's "Holocaust on Your Plate" and "Animal Liberation" exhibits that juxtaposed images of human and nonhuman […]
Anti Government | Racism in Animal Rights — March 9, 2015
[…] in the spotlight for their controversial campaigns. Some notably racist campaigns include: “Holocaust on your Plate“, “Are Animals the New Slaves?“, “KKKrazy About Dogs” & numerous […]
Animaux-handicapés mentaux, la nouvelle comparaison hasardeuse de l’association PETA | Big Browser — August 27, 2015
[…] à l'Holocauste perpétré pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. Dans une exposition intitulée « L'Holocauste dans votre assiette » se mêlait des clichés de déportés en camps de concentration avec des photos d'animaux envoyés […]
PETA OSE TOUT | auxmarchesdupalais — August 30, 2015
[…] [1] […]
HumaneWatch | HSUS Director Responsible for ‘Holocaust on Your Plate’ Campaign — September 30, 2015
[…] Meet Matt Prescott. Before he became HSUS’s Food Policy Director, he was manager of vegan campaigns for PETA. And one of his bright ideas while with PETA was devising the widely reviled “Holocaust on Your Plate” campaign comparing animal-farming to slaughtering Jews, which toured the country in 2003. (If you really want to see more, click here.) […]
PuRposely PRovocative | Public Relations Nation — December 6, 2015
[…] dramatic pseudo-events like the Boston Tea Party in 1773 to PETA’s outrageous 2003 “Holocaust on a Plate” ads to Donald Trump’s candidacy, publicity is the goal even if the attention is […]
When will vegans understand we're not all rich — May 6, 2016
[…] align yourselves with sexists, and people who compare eating meat with the Holocaust and the Slave Trade. Vegans are accidentally starving their children because they put concern […]
DarkwarrioR — May 25, 2016
There is one problem with this campaign. Animals aren't people and also they are delicious.
Animal Rights Would Ban Pets – First Things | great pets mart — September 30, 2016
[…] ranching is morally equivalent to slavery, which explains this bald assertion of PETA’s odious “Holocaust on Your Plate Campaign”: “The leather sofa and handbag are the moral equivalent of the lampshades made from the skins […]
Hiro Tnynfox — October 7, 2016
In my opinion the comparison was a bit of a stretch based on our motivations for these things, but the objection made even less sense as the exhibit wasn't flattering of any "Holocaust", human, chicken, cow, or pig.
if you truly think something is genuinely as bad as a historical tragedy it should be your right to compare even if someone like myself think it's a bit of a stretch.
War on Animal Rights Would Ban Pets | ecoliberty — November 3, 2016
[…] ranching is morally equivalent to slavery, which explains this bald assertion of PETA’s odious “Holocaust on Your Plate Campaign”: “The leather sofa and handbag are the moral equivalent of the lampshades made from the skins […]
Susan Gale Ballarini — February 3, 2017
I want to support PETA, but not when they compare meat to rape — March 29, 2017
[…] Holocaust survivors, disabled people, women and their bodies — PETA has done it all. They’ve proven themselves to be pretty fucking sexist and misogynistic in order to defend poorly treated animals. What’s the deal with portraying women’s bodies as pieces of meat and claiming that turning veggie can get you the “ideal” body, one of a professional athlete? They claim to be approaching animal rights in a creative manner, but somehow they’re unable to think outside of the (really offensive) box. […]
Reed — May 12, 2017
This is a disgrace to the human race and terribly disrespectful to Jews.
No, Animals Should Not Have Rights. Here's Why. | Halsey News Network — May 18, 2017
[…] PETA once ran an ad campaign called “The Holocaust On Your Plate”. Yes, really. […]
They’re not just ‘human’ rights | Paige Marie Whitfield — June 2, 2017
[…] confronting 2003 campaign by PETA that debated human’s use of animals for food likened our treatment of animals to the […]
Uma resposta católica às indignidades do homem moderno | Tema Boa Nova - Paróquia Online — June 13, 2017
[…] organização PETA (sigla em inglês para “Pessoas pelo Tratamento Ético dos Animais”) lançou a peça publicitária “Holocausto no seu prato” (Holocaust on Your Plate), em 2003, comparando animais confinados para consumo a prisioneiros […]
Determining Your Marketing Ethics When Approaching Provocative Topics — Political News — June 22, 2017
[…] made you examine your marketing ethics? An old but classic example is PETA’s 2004 campaign, “The Holocaust on Your Plate.” The campaign consisted of large print advertisements that juxtaposed photos of animals living […]
How The NRA Has Basically Become PETA For Guns – Heart News 365 — July 5, 2017
[…] You see, despite having a lot of different opinions from gun advocates, I can’t help but feel sympathy for their situation. Why? Because I’m a vegetarian. I haven’t eaten meat since I was eight years old. I’m not going to explain why, because who gives a shit. But the reason I bring this up is that as a person who chooses not to eat meat, my kind is forced to carry this shit-bindle of insufferable, industrial-grade bull feces: […]
Hey you!! Drop that Rape Cheese!! - Victory Girls Blog — August 9, 2017
[…] PETA, of course, has made moral cretinism into low performance art. From naked people wrapped in plastic to the infamous comparison of chickens to Jews murdered in the Holocaust. […]
Here’s 10 Outrageously Problematic Things PETA Has Done and Why You Shouldn’t Support Them – Affinity Magazine — November 26, 2017
[…] of using the suffering of Jewish people in their ad campaigns. Not only have they used traumatic Holocaust imagery as a parallel to animal suffering, but they’ve even mocked Hitler’s idea of a […]
Bibliography – Vicky Cooper — December 10, 2017
[…] 5 (2008) ‘To Animals, all people are Nazis’ [Online] Available from – [Accessed – December […]
Butch — January 16, 2018
Hard to believe that this campaign is considered racist. No question that somebody is going to be offended by just about anything, but to actually pay any attention to their drivel is simply a waste.
The Food Journey Begins – A White Girl Taking Pictures of Chinese Food — March 3, 2018
[…] […]
Gyvūnų teisės, humanizmas ir kairė - Vienuolikta Tezė — October 5, 2018
[…] paviršutiniškai nėra kažko neįtikėtinai šlykštaus visame gyvūnų teisių diskurse? Ar PETA palyginimai tarp gyvūnų skerdimo ir holokausto nėra vimdantys? O šunų veisimo sulyginimas su Ku Klux Klano baltųjų viršenybe? Gyvūnų […]
PETA’s Meat Ad: New Campaign Says Meat Interrupts Sex | — December 3, 2018
[…] always wanted to know what the conversation looked like when someone came up with the idea of “Holocaust on Your Plate” in which they claimed that eating animals was just like the Nazi extermination of […]
PETA’s Latest Advertising Antics – Washington Insider — December 4, 2018
[…] time wished to know what the dialog seemed like when somebody got here up with the concept of “Holocaust on Your Plate” during which they claimed that consuming animals was identical to the Nazi extermination of […]
IWONA — December 7, 2019
Nie wierze w to co czytam! Dokladnie tego samego porownania uzyłam nie widząc tej kampanii bo dokladnie tak jest i nikogo to nie powinno obrazac te zwierzeta czuja bol i cierpią jak ludzie podczas Holocaustu . To bezbronne istoty ktorym krzywde robią ludzie bo maja taka przewage jak oprawcy podczas Holocaustu. Nie uwazam zeby zwierzeta byly gorsze od ludzi. Nawet powiem wiecej ja wole zwierzęta od wiekszosci bezmyslnych socjopatycznych okrutnych ludzi ktorzy wykorzystują te biedne zwierzaki tylko po to aby ktos tam mogl sie popryskac takim śmierdzidłem! Wstyd mi za tych ktorzy pisza tu takie brednie!!! Ludzie opamietajcie sie!
Greyhound Bus Crime Scene | konstantino — June 14, 2020
[…] Download Image More @ […]
Greyhound Bus Crime Scene Photos | konstantino — June 14, 2020
[…] Download Image More @ […]
Το Ολοκαύτωμα των ζώων και οι Ναζί της σημερινής εποχής - - LIFESTYLE με νόημα ! — October 28, 2020
[…] ίδια χρονιά, η έκθεση “Holocaust on your Plate” της PETA αποτελούνταν από οκτώ πάνελ 60 τετραγωνικών […]
Do bizarre stunts actually help the climate cause? - iNFO Vi — May 27, 2021
[…] be allies to their cause — like, for example, Jews. One campaign that comes to mind compared chickens in cages on poultry farms to Holocaust victims. Attention-grabbing: yes; movement-building: […]
Do bizarre stunts actually help the climate cause? | Engineering Recruiting — May 28, 2021
[…] be allies to their cause — like, for example, Jews. One campaign that comes to mind compared chickens in cages on poultry farms to Holocaust victims. Attention-grabbing: yes; movement-building: […]
Do bizarre stunts actually help the climate cause? - CirchubDocs — May 29, 2021
[…] be allies to their cause — like, for example, Jews. One campaign that comes to mind compared chickens in cages on poultry farms to Holocaust victims. Attention-grabbing: yes; movement-building: […]
Do unusual stunts actually assist the local weather trigger? - Radium News — June 2, 2021
[…] turn into allies of its trigger (akin to Jews).I consider a sports activities comparability Chickens in cages of poultry farms are given to victims of the massacre. Placing: sure; sports activities development: […]
Do bizarre stunts really help the weather cause? – Sharp Things Galore — June 2, 2021
[…] for their cause — like, for instance, Jews. One campaign that comes in your thoughts compared chickens in cages on chicken farms to Holocaust victims. Attention-grabbing: yes; movement-building: […]
Las violencias más allá de lo humano | Antropología de la Vida Animal — February 20, 2022
[…] [2] Pueden verse imágenes de la campaña en este enlace: […]
17 Times PETA Has Been Criticized For Unethical Behavior - FactsandHistory — July 18, 2022
[…] On Your Plate.” In this poster campaign, PETA used photos from concentration camps and photos of Holocaust survivors alongside caged animals to compare the living […]
El miedo al sufrimiento nos está volviendo locos - Labalanzanoticias — December 22, 2022
[…] fue tan lejos, hace varios años, que comparó comer carne con, literalmente, el Holocausto. discutiendo, “Al igual que los judíos asesinados en los campos de concentración, los animales son […]
Ο φόβος του πόνου οδηγεί την ανθρωπότητα σε επικίνδυνες καταστάσεις | — December 28, 2022
[…] τη βρώση κρέατος με το Ολοκαύτωμα των Εβραίων, με το επιχείρημα ότι «όπως δολοφονήθηκαν οι Εβραίοι μαζικά στα […]
Sachin Raghavan — January 20, 2024
The only reason people would possibly find this offensive is because they already place animals at an inferior position to humans and believe they deserve to suffer and die. The animal rights movement acknowledges their desire to live and avoid suffering. What animals go through in industrial settings is objectively cruel and they suffer equally to humans. The Jewish holocaust killed roughly 6 million but nearly 200 billion animals are killed for meat every year so you decide which is worse.
Sachin Raghavan — January 20, 2024
Need I remind people that actual holocaust victims such as Alex Hershaft have acknowledged that animal farming is just as cruel to animals as a holocaust/genocide would be to humans. If industrial animal farming was done to humans it would be a holocaust, common sense.
Rattling The Cage of Farmed Animal Identity | Oxford Political Review | Oxford Political Review — August 24, 2024
[…] animal oppression are rejected in favour of visual comparisons; in Holocaust examples, activists (most infamously PETA) fixate on optical comparisons of transport, killing and confinement methodology. This inelegant […]