In case you were wondering if the racist “Asians can’t drive” stereotype was alive and well, here are some select tweets from the collection at Public Shaming (h/t to @Kevin_Stainback):
And some couldn’t stop themselves from making fun of how some Asian people look:
More, including accusations of North Korean terrorism, at Public Shaming, one of the most deeply disappointing sites on the web.
Comments 31
Legione13 — July 10, 2013
That's pretty awful, and yet there won't be any outrage. Why? I'm not sure, but I have noticed that (even on this site), people really only get upset when the racism is directed at African-Americans (and to a lesser extent, Hispanic people). There seems to be a double-standard.
To me, racism against Asian people is just as egregious.
The_L1985 — July 10, 2013
I hadn't even heard that stereotype before, but then, I grew up in an area that doesn't have a lot of Asian-Americans.
Kali — July 10, 2013
I had never heard of this stereotype until a few months ago. When and how did this stereotype emerge? And is it particular to North America? Or do we have this stereotype in Europe too? Obviously, we don't have it in Asia (at least, I've lived in a couple of Asian countries, and I've never heard of it there).
cherry_pie — July 11, 2013
Being European, I'd never heard about this stereotype either. I was a bit sad to realise that it shocked me more because I'd never heard of it.
In my country for example, one current stereotype is that people from Ex-Yougoslavia steal a lot. I've heard it so many times that it doesn't even bother me any more! Quite depressing really.
Andrew — July 11, 2013
With regards to the "Asians can't drive" stereotype, I'd just like to point out that, statistically, Asian/Pacific Islanders have the lowest rate of fatal car accidents of any racial group in the US -
Additionally, men vastly outnumber women in car crashes too, for those who prefer the "women can't drive" stereotype.
The stereotypes are not just racist and sexist; worse yet, they are objectively incorrect.
Brutus — July 13, 2013
And in the weeks after the crash, anonymous but trusted sources within the aviation training industry are noting that there have been longstanding deficiencies in Asiana's training program, specifically including pilots who have trouble performing visual approaches.
mr_bongo — July 15, 2013
Here's an interesting one - look up the two words for 'black person' in Urdu/Hindi and check out all the racist Indian/Pakistanis in U.S. and Canada on twitter.
Katie — October 24, 2014
Maybe all this racism wouldn't have happened if the Asians stayed in their own countries rather than invading white countries and reproducing like damn cockroaches. Seriously, go back to where you came from.