Feast your eyes on this:

Social change makes life interesting.
Lisa Wade, PhD is an Associate Professor at Tulane University. She is the author of American Hookup, a book about college sexual culture; a textbook about gender; and a forthcoming introductory text: Terrible Magnificent Sociology. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
Comments 31
RHM — February 6, 2012
I'm pretty sure you took this image from my Facebook album that I made public. That's okay, but an acknowledgement of where it came from would be nice.
Blargypoo — February 6, 2012
I wish there was a high quality bigger size that I could frame...
Bosola — February 6, 2012
The past is another country.
Anonymous — February 6, 2012
This reminds me, does Skittles still advertise with "taste the rainbow" as their slogan? My mom and her girlfriend used to joke about that.
precious… « embryoconcepts — February 6, 2012
[...] precious… “I’ve Robbed the Rainbow to Make You Gay” » Sociological Images [...]
Skeptical — February 6, 2012
This is a very interesting image, but is it... Photoshop? Where is the reference to the magazine it appeared in? Dress does not appear to be a 1940s style (1946 according to the original web site). Just too perfect.
Sarah — February 7, 2012
I want this for my parlor.
"I’ve robbed the rainbow to make you gay" | TUMBLR TRANSLATOR — February 7, 2012
[...] you gay" 4215 Thanks! An error occurred! If Rick Santorum can apprehend the rainbow robber, all his problems will be [...]
DBChen — February 7, 2012
I am a knitter and this is awesome. Just finished a scarf in yellow-orange, emerald green, purple, and magenta. Seriously. It's one skein of Point 5 wool yarn by Colinette in the Jamboree colorway.
So, you know, this ad is totally for me.
“I’ve robbed the rainbow to make you gay!” « The 1955 Hudson — February 7, 2012
[...] Rick Santorum can apprehend the rainbow robber, all his problems will be [...]
Anonymous — February 8, 2012
This is the best thing since all those 1970s Dr Who episodes that had Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart ordering Sgt. Benton, "Sergeant, take a man 'round the back!"
Adaptamouse — February 8, 2012
I love this ad! As a dress-historian, I love to see graphics like these, that show what women might have been making at home. I'm certain that some people would actually wear these knitted garments, there have been patterns sold since the 1860's.
Words can change meaning over time. « Gynomite! — February 14, 2012
[...] you don’t believe me, check out this little gem that Sociological Images dug [...]
from the 50ies, with love « WeWasteTime — February 15, 2012
[...] change makes life interesting. Via Sociological Images. Share this:EmailPrintFacebookTwitterLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. [...]
Buddy McCue — February 21, 2012
Does anyone else think the jester looks a little bit like Roberto Benigni?
Rainbows make you gay « augustation.com — February 22, 2012
[...] Rainbows make you gay SHARE: [...]
Blix — May 17, 2012
Rainbows. God's promise to never again flood the entire world. A beautiful reminder of our human nature being redeemed by an all-loving God. Also, a reminder that good things often follow a storm. Love you all.
Will — September 5, 2022
Love that RHM complains about this coming from their Facebook when I’m the one who scanned this from the original and posted it to live journal in 2006. You’re welcome to keep using it. It needs to be seen lol.