We’ve posted before about the use of women’s bodies to sell real estate. But this Australian commercial for luxury housing, sent in by Nigel M., takes it to a whole new level. As Nigel said, “Even if I told you, you still wouldn’t believe me.” Let’s just say it includes a “lingerie model tied to a chair,” hot lesbians making out for male pleasure, and the phrase “speaking of broads.”
It’s a real gem:
Comments 312
Anna — March 14, 2011
I think it's their usual sales technique!
Marissa — March 14, 2011
What did I just watch?
WG — March 14, 2011
Is this just "sexual" and not necessarily "sexist"?
Anonymous — March 14, 2011
You have to admit, that house is pretty sweet...
ZoeK — March 14, 2011
Sexual imagery in this context IS sexist because it is objectifying women’s bodies! The women tied to the chair is listing off all the luxurious parts of the house, "cinema, gourmet kitchen, open fire place ....and a lingerie model tied to a chair!" ...does the women come with the house?? ...because they have clearly implied that she is just another object of the house. I'm sure that the advertisement assumes their major audience is men (who will OF COURSE be the ones buying the house) ..and as for the men narrating, to them it is just another oiled up, titillating, lesbian porn. …and I’m sure they won’t think twice about that when indulging in their deluxe rooftop spa.
Alexandra — March 14, 2011
The comments of "but how is the sexiiiiist" on this post are killing me.
What are you people even doing here if you have no basic grasp of sociological concepts?
Nickey — March 14, 2011
I know this isn't the kind of thing normally discussed on this blog, but just as baffling to me as the sexism of this ad is the production values. It's obviously a very expensive house, but how on earth did it make economic sense for the real estate agents to sink at least several thousands of dollars into making a 2 minute web ad!? What does it say about the economics of Australian real estate?
md — March 15, 2011
Wow... so I guess heterosexual men are the only people that buy real estate?
Merryn — March 15, 2011
Is this even likely to be an effective ad? Most multi-bedroom houses would be sold to a couple or family, almost certainly including a woman. Many women (such as me) would have a very negative reaction to this ad. These guys are way off the usual slimy jerk scale for real estate agents. There is no way I would view any home they are selling.
Anonymous Female — March 15, 2011
LoL, obviously it's sexist. They're in Real Estate because they can't do anything better in life that's how dumb they are and they are horrible Real Estate agents nonetheless and can't sell for their lives that's why they have to use semi-naked women to attract buyers and not themselves, they simply don't have the gift of gab and are not talented at all. lol. Small minded, weak minded little men, how cute lol
Anonymous Female — March 15, 2011
Think about it, if it's such a good deal. Why can't they just sell it based on it's characteristics. Why do they need naked women "to get our attention"?
Rose — March 15, 2011
I think it's offensive to men too!
RG — March 15, 2011
What I find sexist about the ad is that it assumes that only men are interested in real-estate-- or making the purchasing decisions.
Sex sells, part 1039449 | Critical Sass — March 16, 2011
[...] Spreading STD tidingsSex sells, part 1039449 Posted on March 16, 2011 by GinaSociological Images features an “over the top sexist Australian real estate ad”, which takes the classy use [...]
Ivy — March 16, 2011
The misogynists behind this ad must be desperate. What is a pornographic, off-the-charts degrading and insulting ad doing selling real estate (or anything for that matter) in 2010 (2011?), a time when women are supposedly "equal" to men and have "nothing to complain about"? It would be my pleasure to find the snickering losers behind this ad, and personally escort them to the misogynist male doggy pound where I would tie THEM to a f****** kitchen chair and rub their nose in their own s***.
The same old ploys to see women as sex objects with no point of view is an insult to my body, and my intelligence.
Ladies, why don't you have a stronger reaction to ads like this? This is not just "a little bit sexist and creepy" it is UNACCEPTABLE.
Both genders should be outraged by this ad, as sexism effects all of us. negatively.
Lamont — March 17, 2011
The people who have commented here asking if it actually sexist are kidding aren't they? It is RIDICULOUSLY sexist! (And I'm a guy.) There's a part of it that borders on suggesting unconsenting sex - at the end when the two losers in the suits say "Thanks boys, we can take it from here." - Am I to believe that they are implying they'll comfort and console the woman who's just been tied up in her underwear? No, I think you're meant to get the idea that the guys who now have a sweaty in woman in lingerie, will do something to their pleasure with her - this is dowm right dangerous for impressionable males who will, with the help of 'music' videos, other ads and the like, be given the idea that females (even ones who have just had a terrible ordeal from some unknown attacker) are there for the taking.
And then - if that's not sexist and offensive enough for you - what's with the two lesbians?! What, females out there watching this are happy for this company to convey the idea that when girls are not fetching beer or being tied up, they're 'experimenting' with each other in sexy lingerie? As a male, I have a good idea of what this kind of crap does for the thinking of guys - I'm not going to deny that I 'like' of two heavily 'produced' (that is, made to look 'perfect' for the camera) women having sex - but that's exactly the problem. What happens when guys who aren't quite as realistic as me see two girls who are best friends holding hands? What happens when they ask their girlfriend if she'll have a threesome with him and her friend and she says no? Come on people - we know that this advertising is just cheap crap that does absolutely nothing good for our society. I've sent an email directly to both those real estate agents. You should do the same if you feel the same way - a petition is good, but if they're inboxes are full of complaints every time they open them, they'll soon enough get the message.
Cheryl-Anne Smythe — March 17, 2011
From an advertising perspective which is what this is all about, it is best summed up by the fact that advertising is not always meant to be gender neutral. It is meant to stir and create opinion. Good or bad, it is meant to have an impact,but preferably good. The core of the argument here seems to be entirely based on the objectification of women, which if anyone hasn't noticed has been used endlessly in just about every product promotion at some point or another. I am not validating this, but the female human form is naturally attractive even if in this instance it is playing to the lowest common interest of 'sex'
Someone in the comments earlier pointed out "Human nature is so imperfect. Unfortunately, business is not about ethics or good taste." The fact is had this property not used this questionable approach, likelihood is none of us would have seen it.
The internet has created opportunity to share thoughts and opinions like never before, (not always for the right reasons) just as there will be groups like this, equally and oppositely passionate about "it's all about getting noticed..." Trying to remain unemotional and objective - Right or wrong, these real estate agents have certainly used human behavior, the internet and websites like this to get the house noticed.
PS. For my part, I do not subscribe at all to using the imagery they have, but lets also recognise this video is not unavoidably broadcast across the airwaves, people have to choose to look at this and that's about freedom of choice to watch or not watch, and the fact is I wouldn't have known about it at all if they hadn't. Is that a case of more fool me for looking??
Glenn — March 18, 2011
What revolting pair of misogynist plutocrats these real-estate agents are.
Glenn — March 18, 2011
At least this is in keeping with the New PC ei. it's just not PC anymore to criticize bigotry.
Ranting and Raving « Making Changes — March 18, 2011
[...] I saw an ad recently that was, to me, wholly disgusting. It’s an Austrailian ad, and I’ve been informed that they have a “dry humour” over there. But it’s still gross. http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2011/03/14/over-the-top-sexist-australian-real-estate-ad/ [...]
Tim — April 21, 2011
I am a male who lives in Canada. I cannot believe that you are even allowed to let that kind of ad onto the air without being drawn and quartered as would happen here in Canada. Kind of makes me want to move to Australia :)
Anonymous — May 26, 2011
ROFL! You people who are offended and actually taking the time to analyse this tongue in cheek advert just make the advert even funnier. I reckon they did it just to wind people like you up -- hell, i sure would. You complete inability to see why this is NOT offensive is hilarious! Proffessional offence takers!!!
KyukiYoshida — November 3, 2013
This commercial was sexist beyond belief. I also hate the fact they added in the whole, cliche "lesbians are for men" crap. I see it everywhere, on media and in real life, how people seem to think that since women, are obviously for men, they can't possibly be lesbians, and any escapades they have are for male eyes whether they want it or not. Often times you'll get a man, who gets enraged at the thought or sight of two women actually being together, because he feels he and other males are being deprived of something to which they are entitled. I'm straying off subject here, sorry. Anyways, the entire atmosphere of this commercial felt ridiculously chauvinistic and predatory. From depicting the whole damsel in distress trope, to the implied intentions of rape by the sleazebag agents.The entire commercial itself implies that buying and selling real estate itself, is a male fantasy and "boys only" club, hence why women had no play in the commercial other than being objects to lure in the real clients, men.
lol — July 4, 2015
lmao what's wrong with you guys it's obvious they're making fun of sexist ads... they even say stuff like "now we got your attention" lol
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prestige elysian — July 18, 2019
I am a male who lives in Canada. I cannot believe that you are even allowed to let that kind of ad onto the air without being drawn and quartered as would happen here in Canada. Kind of makes me want to move to Australia :)
Lisa — July 18, 2019
Is this even likely to be an effective ad? Most multi-bedroom houses would be sold to a couple or family, almost certainly including a woman. Many women (such as me) would have a very negative reaction to this ad. These guys are way off the usual slimy jerk scale for real estate agents. There is no way I would view any home they are selling.prestige elysian
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Real estate — July 22, 2019
Hello, Most multi-bedroom houses would be sold to a couple or family, almost certainly including a woman. Many women (such as me) would have a very negative reaction to this ad. These guys are way off the usual slimy jerk scale for real estate agents. There is no way I would view any home they are selling.Real estate
Shiza — July 23, 2019
Hello, I am a male who lives in Canada. I cannot believe that you are even allowed to let that kind of ad onto the air without being drawn and quartered as would happen here in Canada. Kind of makes me want to move to Australia :)Sell your home fast
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lisa — August 26, 2019
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lisa — May 20, 2020
Hi, Your dream home sounds a lot like mine, minus the chickens. (Though I wouldn’t mind having neighbors who have chickens that I could buy eggs from.) Our next family adventure is taking us up to Boise and I’m hoping to find a dream home in the next few years to make our own. I hope everything works out for you (and selfishly because I want to see all the deets on how you renovate!) Sending prayers and hopeful energy that your home sells in time for you to snatch up the home you want.example
lisa — June 23, 2020
Planning a home purchase isn’t something that you should just jump into without some careful planning. It pays to get yourself in the best financial position before you do anything as this can potentially make or break your plans. We have some tips for planning your house purchase from a financial point-of-view.Manchester Market
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lisa — October 13, 2020
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lisa — October 17, 2020
Hi, What I find sexist about the ad is that it assumes that only men are interested in real-estate-- or making the purchasing decisions.
lisa — October 17, 2020
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lisa — November 21, 2020
Hi, Your dream home sounds a lot like mine, minus the chickens. (Though I wouldn’t mind having neighbors who have chickens that I could buy eggs from.) Our next family adventure is taking us up to Boise and I’m hoping to find a dream home in the next few years to make our own. I hope everything works out for you (and selfishly because I want to see all the deets on how you renovate!) Sending prayers and hopeful energy that your home sells in time for you to snatch up the home you want.ki residences
lisa — December 5, 2020
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Adam — December 7, 2020
I know this isn't the kind of thing normally discussed on this blog, but just as baffling to me as the sexism of this ad is the production values.
James — December 8, 2020
You have to admit, that house is pretty sweet... and this girl too :p
Anderson — December 8, 2020
Think about it, if it's such a good deal.Why do they need naked women "to get our attention"?
Maxwell — December 10, 2020
I think it's offensive to men too! and i thought your marketing criteria is not good
Peter — December 11, 2020
Sexual imagery in this context IS sexist because it is objectifying women’s bodies! The women tied to the chair is listing off all the luxurious parts of the house.. its some sexual side to attarct more mens to search this article
Luke Wright — December 17, 2020
Is this even likely to be an effective ad? These guys are way off the usual slimy jerk scale for real estate agents. There is no way I would view any home they are selling.
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Nathan Lyon — January 8, 2021
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johan william — January 23, 2021
Is this even likely to be an effective ad? These guys are way off the usual slimy jerk scale for real estate Love and Listings agents. There is no way I would view any home they are selling.
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seema — March 23, 2021
The people who have commented here asking if it actually sexist are kidding aren't they? It is RIDICULOUSLY sexist! (And I'm a guy.) There's a part of it that borders on suggesting unconsenting sex - at the end when the two losers in the suits say "Thanks boys, we can take it from here Apartament for sale in Saranda
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lisa — April 21, 2021
Though one should probably accumulate a bit of assets before finding one to make it worth while. At the beginning, focusing on living below your means is still much more effective then trying to increase your investment gains.hausverwaltung Mülheim
lisa — May 1, 2021
These real estate agents want to play with people till they are satisfied with it. I do not know why they do that. If they really want something from their consumer, they should have just let them know about the fact rather than doing such thing.sliding
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lisa — June 23, 2021
I really appreciate your article, I thought that investing in real estate is more profitable as compared to investing in gold. And also there are less risk factors in real estate investment. So that’s why I personally prefer to invest in real estate.We Buy Houses Tampa
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lisa — July 18, 2021
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lisa — August 10, 2021
It is one thing to have a vision and set a goal, the follow through is key. Our agents know the importance of the follow through and how to execute. We setup a plan, and work our processes to ensure that we execute our goals and yours, leaving all parties happy with the final result.real estate photography Baltimore md
lisa — August 11, 2021
Just to get a feel for it and see if it’s something I would really like to do. It requires a lot of effort and money, and I would hate to invest so much only to find out it’s too much to deal with. You should write a post about the tenant taking you to court!House Sort
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lisa — October 14, 2021
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It is one thing to have a vision and set a goal, the follow through is key. Our agents know the importance of the follow through and how to execute. We setup a plan, and work our processes to ensure that we execute our goals and yours, leaving all parties happy with the final result.ct locksmiths
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Commercial investment value is reliant on a thriving economy, and losses can be hard felt if an industry up moves because their business will perform better elsewhere.Whereas the residential property market is seen as relatively stable, the commercial market can be volatile. Everyone needs somewhere to live, but businesses can go under and vanish from the map. If commercial property is no longer desirable in an area, hard times could lie ahead if businesses begin to relocate. Mangla Garrison Housing
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The "square meters" figure of a house in Europe may report the total area of the walls enclosing the home, thus including any attached garage and non-living spaces, which makes it important to inquire what kind of surface area definition has been used. It can be described more roughly by the number of rooms. harga ready mix Bogor
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Purchasing a property to use for rental income can have its advantages, but knowing all the in’s and out’s of such a large purchase will benefit you in the long game. You can follow Than Merrill on Twitter and get some great tips from an expert real estate investor, but first let’s take a look at some of the things that you should be thinking about before you make any commitments to buy.harga beton adhimix
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lisa — May 20, 2022
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Commercial investment value is reliant on a thriving economy, and losses can be hard felt if an industry up moves because their business will perform better elsewhere. Whereas the residential property market is seen as relatively stable, the commercial market can be volatile. Everyone needs somewhere to live, but businesses can go under and vanish from the map. If commercial property is no longer desirable in an area, hard times could lie ahead if businesses begin to relocate.best real estates Calgary
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Commercial investment value is reliant on a thriving economy, and losses can be hard felt if an industry up moves because their business will perform better elsewhere. Whereas the residential property market is seen as relatively stable, the commercial market can be volatile. Everyone needs somewhere to live, but businesses can go under and vanish from the map.Real estate agent netherlands
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john — September 20, 2022
It requires a lot of effort and money, and I would hate to invest so much only to find out it’s too much to deal with. Resales
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Wilson — October 21, 2022
I cannot believe that you are even allowed to let that kind of ad onto the air without being drawn and quartered as would happen here in Canada. Home Inspector
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Most multi-bedroom houses would be sold to a couple or family, almost certainly including a woman. Many women (such as me) would have a very negative reaction to this ad.fundrise
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lisa — June 16, 2023
With online platforms facilitating property searches, virtual tours, and digital transactions. Overall, real estate is an integral part of our daily lives, shaping the physical environment we inhabit, providing spaces for our work and leisure, and serving as a cornerstone of economic activity.10 Evelyn
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messi — November 21, 2023
The entire commercial itself implies that buying and selling real estate itself, is a male fantasy and "boys only" club, hence why women had no play in the commercial other than being objects to lure in the real clients, men Digital Signage Displays
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The allure of real estate extends far beyond mere bricks and mortar; it embodies a sense of stability and security. For many, owning a piece of real estate symbolizes a milestone—a testament to hard work and accomplishment. It forms the backdrop for cherished memories, providing shelter, comfort, and a sanctuary to call one's own.Melvin
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The allure of real estate extends far beyond mere bricks and mortar; it embodies a sense of stability and security. For many, owning a piece of real estate symbolizes a milestone—a testament to hard work and accomplishment. It forms the backdrop for cherished memories, providing shelter, comfort, and a sanctuary to call one's own Laguna artificial en Le Parc Cancún
Gojo — February 25, 2024
The use of sexist language in Australian real estate ads is reprehensible and outdated. Such tactics not only perpetuate harmful stereotypes but also undermine the professionalism and integrity of the industry. It's crucial to promote inclusive and respectful advertising practices. Zepto Realty
lisa — February 26, 2024
One of the primary drivers of the real estate market is the concept of supply and demand. Fluctuations in supply, influenced by factors such as land availability, construction activity, and regulatory policies, can directly impact property values and rental rates. Similarly, shifts in demand, driven by demographic trends, economic conditions, and consumer preferences, play a crucial role in shaping market dynamics.skilled tradies
Robin — March 12, 2024
The over-the-top sexist Australian real estate ad perpetuates harmful stereotypes, undermining inclusivity and professionalism. Such marketing not only alienates potential clients but also reflects poorly on the industry. Real estate advertising should prioritize respect, diversity, and equality to foster a welcoming environment for all. homers.ng
Adam — March 20, 2024
I do not know why they do that. If they want something from their consumer, they should have just let them know about the fact rather than doing such thing. moodulmaja 20m2
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You should do the same if you feel the same way - a petition is good, but if they're inboxes are full of complaints every time they open them, they'll soon enough get the message. Punta del Este Real Estate
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steven — October 4, 2024
Good or bad, it is meant to have an impact,but preferably good. The core of the argument here seems to be entirely based on the objectification of women, which if anyone hasn't noticed has been used endlessly in just about every product promotion at some point or another. homes for sale in Calgary
muzzafar — December 3, 2024
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Maxi — February 7, 2025
Wow, that Australian real estate ad was seriously over-the-top sexist! It’s 2025—why are we still seeing outdated, cringe-worthy marketing like this? Selling a house and lot for sale in Davao City or anywhere else should focus on the property’s value, not sexist gimmicks. Real estate ads should highlight location, amenities, and investment potential, not outdated stereotypes. Good marketing speaks to all buyers, not just one gender. Hopefully, agencies learn that respect sells better than controversy. Have you seen similar ads in the market? Let’s push for smarter, more inclusive real estate advertising!