Students at my college, Occidental, are required to live on campus through their junior year.  So most students live in the dorms.  I saw this flyer, advertising what I am sure is intended to be a harmless and fun competition, taped to the door of my building:


Of course, having the “best room on campus” is only partly about creativity.  A person with money would have a significant advantage in this competition, as you can clearly see in the flyer itself (extra pillows, a rug, two extra lamps, extra furniture, etc).

I am sure that the people behind this had no intention of reinforcing a class hierarchy on campus.  But I’d bet my extra money that they were middle class or better.  Part of class privilege is the ability to forget that some people do not have the resources to put together a bangin’ room.   And part of being an economically disadvantaged student at a private college sometimes means being alienated from many of your peers for just that reason.


Lisa Wade is a professor of sociology at Occidental College. You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook.